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ventithebarb's experience ( All 0 )

ventithebarb's answer ( All 4 )

I think there's defo some internalised homophobia to unlearn but I think you are bisexual my love   reply
08 04,2021
I don’t like their new music, I adore their old music. but army has gotten so huge that it’s not a safe space anymore. It’s like a cult   reply
19 03,2021
about question
28 01,2021
When they compare the guy they’re fucking to a woman, etc. Like 1) stfu 2) it’s so annoying for gay people to constantly have to deal w who’s the woman/ who’s the man. The whole point of being gay is that you both like men. Accept that. This applies to lesbian stories too   1 reply
28 01,2021

ventithebarb's question ( All 0 )