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NicoleD created a topic of Eleceed

It’s a nice reprieve from all the action

NicoleD created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

Or direct me to the website to find it?

NicoleD created a topic of Eleceed

I'm on her side. Bro was out here inviting her to a date and attacked her as soon as she arrived with no explanation. That's pretty fucked up.

NicoleD created a topic of Housekeeper in a Dungeon

But I’m not a fan of the way they just steamroll her. Like I get it, they’re all super powerful with strong personalities but they often unintentionally completely disregard her feelings. Idk just bothers me.

NicoleD created a topic of Level-Up Doctor (Manhwa)

No Mayo Clinic arc? No time skip? No epilogue? What a bummer

...even if I find them both boring. But that's a subjective opinion. I know Finea is loud and wild but I find her unpredictable and ostentatious personality far more interesting. But I am happy that these two will have their happy ending. Now we just need the other one to find love.

And yet we soldier on...

I hope Brunheart gets a real body. Sweet summer chid deserves it.

Communication? Understanding? Genuine Affection? There are so many male leads out there who could learn a thing or two.

NicoleD created a topic of Eleceed see him get his shit rocked. And then for all the guardians to show up. Also, I love that the catalyst they were looking for to get them out of the bottleneck suddenly showed up. Excellent timing.

I hope it ends soon so we can get to the whole "She talks to rocks" thing.

I miss this. Please come back soon.

He basically made him feel guilty for loving her.

NicoleD created a topic of The Mafia Nanny

I mean did she think a big mafia family wouldn't have ANY cyber security or failsafes? That's just naive. Also imagine going to school for all those years to be able to do your job properly and you fuck up and start blushing from DAY 1. I hope she becomes better because right now she's so frustrating.

NicoleD created a topic of Adios, April

But man sometimes it's just so fucking bleak.

NicoleD created a topic of Virtues of the Villainess

Currently I find the FL a bit annoying. And I want to know if she becomes better and less cringey before I continue.