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Iris want to do ( All 1 )

have sex

Iris's experience ( All 1 )

24 04,2020
So we had finished an assignment and our teacher told us to get our laptops and when I signed in there was tons of saved banners so i clicked on them to see if i actually needed them. I eventually clicked on one and it was make me bark(i already finished) I saw it and knew i didn’t cause the banners bc i had already finished that yaoi. Even thoug......   reply
24 04,2020

Iris's answer ( All 3 )

BWAHHA OKAY I LOVE THIS QUESTION. So i remember I was using hulu for anime back then. Ofc my dumbass needed the adult version of hulu so i changed it. It was all fine until, my 12 year old ass came across junjou romantica. I was a bit confused so i waited to awake alone. I watched it and I FOUND NOTHING BAD ABOUT IT BWAHAH. THEN I CAME ACROSS LOVE ......   2 reply
24 04,2020
Yea some do. I’m a bisexual and get turned on. But I wouldn’t say I masturbate. Uh idk i just wanted to answer the question.   reply
24 04,2020
“Why are you so depressing?” BDVSJSVD AND ITS THE BITCHES WHO SAY THEYRE DEPRESSED THAT ASK ME THIS. Okay like i’m not depressed. Can I not be sad? CAN I NOT HAVE FEELINGS? I tell them “I’m not??” AND ONE TIME A GIRL SAID “Well I mean all your crying pictures were leaked and there was tons. Like get help.” I WANTED TO SMACK THAT BIT......   reply
24 04,2020

Iris's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do discord server

Just do it

4 hours
want to do discord server


4 hours
did made true friends

There's someone I care about.
We passed through thorns and horrors to keep our friendship and we survived.
They are now in my heart forever

4 hours