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wowoon is treating seoan like he's a damn child that can't handle bad news, its so annoying

“what if some sketchy dude creep in at night looking for a good time” is he talking about himself lol

Put that damn phone down and mind your business

Anime&manga created a topic of Under the Green Light

How you see him as a kid but want to have sex with him

Anime&manga created a topic of Haunted by Desire

Did anyone notice that Joohwan has crush on Dohui??? he's been flirting with Dohui since the beginning of the story...I wonder if he had feeling for him before the king made an appearance

Yashiro is about to be 50 y/o and they still not dating…atp he might die from std or senility before that even happens

Seoan was always toxic and rude to people, y’all didn’t noticed that cuz he’s a main character…if he was a side character, you would’ve canceled and cursed him

Anime&manga created a topic of Non Zero Sum

Not them in the water playin and acting like nothing happened…lmfao they really sick in the head

Anime&manga created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

He wants to marry and have kids but doesn’t even know that basic info about women

Seme is wrong for letting a random to come in his house and take a shower, that's ridiculous, even if he said there's nothing going on, its still suspicious....also, the uke with the white hair doesn't even know they're dating i really don't understand why yall hating on him

Anime&manga created a topic of No Reason

“We don’t need a side story” did the author put a gun on your head and force you to read it??? Why are y’all even here if you don’t like this story…go somewhere else and leave the author alone

Anime&manga created a topic of Jinx

Dan weak af…how you already falling in love?? It hasn’t even been a month since you get to know him…

Anime&manga created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

oh she gon be pregnant for sure

Anime&manga created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I like the story but this feels rushed…sad that most authors focus on the art and sex scenes only

Anime&manga created a topic of 19 Days

I hate that Jian Yi and Zhen Xi are there for just comedy content...even new couple have more development than them

Anime&manga created a topic of Jinx

I'm sorry but how the hell did he graduate from medical school without knowing's very important for medical students to learn it

Anime&manga created a topic of Under the Green Light

Jujucat really carrying this whole site on her/his back, I know they’re stressed af.
I don’t understand people who enjoy stories that contain murder or torture but draw a line at rape…like both of these are criminal activities

Anime&manga created a topic of An Abyss

“You woman”, “you bitch” are y’all twelve?
Devon wouldn’t have attached herself to that man had she knew he was abuser and rapist, she obviously cares about Lou. A character doesn’t have to be 100% perfect to be good..y’all acting like you never made a mistake in your life

If that was Seungeon who bit his finger, he would've called the police on him and leave the whole country...

Anime&manga created a topic of Jinx

energy drinks don't really work like that lol