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 Guideverse is the supernatural world & their exists the concept of
 Esper & guide ..The more the compatibility b/w esper & guide more the efficiency in the guiding.

 Esper - are superhumans generally hunters with abilities but the more 
they use them the more dark energies they gather.

 Guide - They are the only people who can remove dark energy from espers 


21 01,2024
Arualo created a topic of Yours to Claim

A: You were kind
B: Nu-uh! You were kind.
A: Nu-uh! I was selfish.
B: Nu-uh!


Arualo created a topic of Pure Love Operation

If y‘all really read this and thought Dohwa was even an option then you must’ve been as delusional as I am haha. Looking back now Su Ae never even considered Dohwa as a romantic interest. Which hurts but is okay. That’s life I guess

Arualo created a topic of Risky Vice

It reminds me of that rotten burger from that Spongebob episode

Arualo created a topic of Mother I'm sorry

This was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. Seriously!! I laughed and I cried. Spoiler warning


I was rooting for Henry so fucking much! I wish there had been a way for him to get back his life without his mom dying as a consequence. But I‘m glad he was at least reincarnated.
I cried so fucking much when they were reunited again although he started losing the memories of his past life after a while.
I feel like the author put a lot of thought into this and I love that they didn’t go back on the rules they set for this story. And there being a new faction that focuses on prolonging children’s lifespan due to the low birth rate also made so much fucking sense.
This manhwa would be such a great kdrama. I hope it gets serialized someday.

Arualo created a topic of Nerd Project

I really thought that Andrew was gonna be a more shy partner. BUT HE IS GOING FOR THE KILL!!!!!!

I love it when Bl manhwas (positively) suprise me. Just like the Dad in „Our sunny days“ I thought the Dad would also be more shy and reluctant but MANS IS ALSO GOING FOR THE KILL IN THE LATEST CHAPTER!!!!!!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

I‘m usually only interested in the couple on the main cover and I really dislike when authors do this. (Not in this case) But it often feels really lazy tbh like they don’t know what to do with their main characters after they’ve established a relationship.

Arualo created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Assemble everyone!!! This is not a drill!!!!! Although there might be some drilling involved hehe!!

Gosh they’re so cute

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I've, over the years, compiled all the "tough" guy bottoms (a loosely used term for someone who doesn't fall within the "pretty" "cute" uke-like personality). I'm a huge fan of strong guys on bottom, because...yum. 

Please enjoy!

29 11,2023
Arualo created a topic of Sunshine Shower

once the seme finds out that he‘s also sexually attracted to him. Boy is not gonna get any rest cuz this dude is possesive af

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Arualo created a topic of Admiration and Longing

And the prime example is the author pulling this shit of a story out of their ass.

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List here includes the following-

mafia/yakuza/gang-war stories , policemen stories 
some twisted stuffs
killing ,blood-wars
hardcore smut

For detective/soldiers/killer plots



01 11,2023
Arualo created a topic of Jinx

And at first I was like rooting for Dan but ma boi is dumb af. It’s not completely his fault tho because I guess JaeKunt is one of the few people who have actually shown him „kindness“. I wish he had tripped on that jog and broken his neck fr. Toxic piece of shit.
Anyways, see you guys on the next chapter

Arualo created a topic of Jinx

„He’s done so much for me“ BRUV!! He‘s done so much TO you!!“

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09 10,2023