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bruh created a topic of Darkness Before The Dawn

Thanks, this ruined my year now imma ugly cry whenever i remember it
Five stars

bruh created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Yall are blind If you think grey hair guy is gentle or sum imma just say: hes def crazyyy, and i bet hes crazyer then the other top

bruh created a topic of Kimi to Wonderland

Im BAWLING my eyes out. SO. CUTE. So delicate, tender, sweet. I wish there was more, but i dont need any. They live in my Wonderland 4ever

bruh created a topic of High Pulse

Has a good start but gets boring really fast, story doesn't make much sense, its all over the place :/
I mean its not bad but not THAT good either.
Oh well ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

bruh created a topic of Unripened Expression

Its a cute story but lacks in some things. i feel like the development of this became stagnant the moment brown hair boy's rejection was completely ignored.

Its like It didnt even happen!

but fr, i was just trying to make things make sense in my head.

From the start the own story gives us subtle signals that Brown hair kid and black hair are to be endgame!!

In a sense i get why he ends up with grey hair kid. Hes a naive kid in his "First love", the one we dont know how deal with, and fall prisioner of our feelings. Hes discovering himself... Of course he wouldnt make the right choice at the first time, we never do.

Still, It would be lovely If there was a sequence to this! i still find the story kinda ass, and yes, im trying to make things haver a sense so i dont feel bad for wasting my time reading this.

bruh created a topic of Wet Sand

40 chapters of nothing bffr idk what these men like so much about Ian, all he knows is to be sad about the past and take dick, i mean, i can see why TJ likes him since they have survived such rough experiences togheter, but Jo, boy wtf are u doin obsessin over that guy they are so bland, 0 chemestry

bruh created a topic of Our Sunny Days
bruh add manga to list


  • Author: Jung Seokchan
  • Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Slice Of Life / Webtoons