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ddlynghtshd November 29, 2020 6:04 pm

so I just finished reading the available episodes and I seriously can't stand this puta anymore lol why is he always butting in and trying to help others? does he have a savior complex or something? is he trying to feel good with himself by helping others (and in the end not really helping at all)? like, I'm mad, I want him to thrive and stuff, but something tells me we aren't seeing that because it's like 130 chapters already and we've seen soooo little character development from him.
it was pretty obvious sungah's reaction would be like that, but he still confessed it and ended up fucked over, sigh... just delete the app and MOVE. ON. my bro, and now I'm sure he'll try to find out what's going on with daehyun even though IT. DOESN'T. CONCERT. HIM. y'all lmaooo sorry for the rant but I read this in like 2 days or less, I guess I'm just overwhelmed with the same plot happening over and over again (also what's up with the plot? where is it going because things keep repeating themselves).
to finish the topic, that poll the author did only backs me up with how literally every other character in this is more interesting than the main lmaoo he received like 300 votes? while others had 1k.
anyways, I hope we can get more focus on taeyang, yuri and the others. even that noona that likes taeyang. no more daehyun or sungah tho, they suck.

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