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CuddleQuill's feed

She is NOT a transmigrator/reincarnator. She is 10 YEARS OLD. Do you really think that this terrified, anxiety-ridden CHILD will just do what you want her to and stand up for herself? She's doing her best in the worst kind of circumstances. Her parents were killed by bandits, she was dragged to the red light district in what I assume is "bandit territory," brutally abused, sees her older "sisters" get murdered in front of her, and now she's in a totally new place where many people want to use and abuse a scared, confused little girl that still doesn't understand her situation or her role as a saintess.

Like, what?? You expect her to just grow a backbone despite having nightmares and throwing up after anxiety attacks? It's not normal for a child to "plan revenge" at her age despite her circumstances, especially when considering being hurt and abused is a "normal" state of being since the death of her parents.

Sorry (not sorry) for the rant. This is yet another manhwa I've been stunned by from the lack of empathy and understanding that some readers express through their comments.