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DihRisza created a topic of Waterside Night

My heart cant handle this :(((((

DihRisza created a topic of One Husband Is Enough

NOW the duke wants to meet? Fuck off

DihRisza created a topic of Dog Fur Romance
DihRisza created a topic of In the Doghouse

The shop owner is a fiiine baby

DihRisza created a topic of Diego

Im going to suffer through this I KNOW

DihRisza created a topic of Fight Club

The omega girl was cute tho
Lucky her! hahaah she didnt get deep with him, cause hes clearly a jerk

DihRisza created a topic of Gig of the Day

Taeseo is tasting his own medicine
Uke is an angel, taeseo needs to be a better person

DihRisza created a topic of Overclock

Does anyone know the corean name for this one?

DihRisza created a topic of Last Love of Youth

Imagine telling a person you love them, then they close the door at your face???

DihRisza created a topic of Jinx

Potatos couple is better than the main couple.

DihRisza created a topic of Let Me See Yours

I would love to see this good boy with someone WORTH!

Their nipples and dicks are so weird
I cant take it seriously omg

DihRisza created a topic of Oredakeno Senzoku Alpha

Is that alpha thinking he is the ukes fated pair or something??

DihRisza created a topic of Dirty High
DihRisza created a topic of Angel's hole

Let me guess, the other dude is the angels husband? They have the same silver ring

DihRisza created a topic of Plum Love
DihRisza created a topic of Rain Advisory

Why it calls him dada its weird

The dad needed a happy ending too! Like the mother was in coma and not dead, something like that!!!!

DihRisza created a topic of Koi to Seiyoku

I don't know how people think that a grown man who doesn't know how to do anything is something you can find cute? he can't even eat properly or make tea which is literally hot water and sachets.