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rams created a topic of Midnight Dweller

Okay so we’re gonna take the thigh light breaking dawn route

rams created a topic of 2020

Pls I have GYATTTT to have a complied list of cakey bottoms NEOWWWWWW

rams created a topic of Good Boy Addiction

Why do all artist do this???? Like seme is freaking scum but ofc they get back together and seme has done nothing at all to deserve it? Let him suffer in extreme ways pls let uke be happy with someone who loves him back! Let uke have self love and respect! He literally fucked you then dumped you but you want him back? And I’m suppose to feel bad for the seme too just bc he knows he fucked up and is scummy nah burn in hell

rams created a topic of 2020

When I think of a bottom I think of him. His the bottomest of them all I fear

rams created a topic of Hunter X Hunter

I love this story so much praying for a healthy new year for togashi

rams created a topic of Night of the Unmarked

Need more bl recommendations with this type of trope!!!

rams created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

MANIFETSING MORE SIMP SEMES PLSSS I’m tired of these psychotic abusive trash rapists men. LIKE WHY IS THAT THE GO TO TROPE FOR THESE MLs I understand it adds more drama and whatever but can we stop with the rape already??? I honestly will take cheating or some sort of other abuse over rape. That may be controversial but IDC stop with the rapists it’s literally the same plot over and over again too. I’m getting so bored with BLs nowadays bc they literally all the same plot, literally no character development they fuck as soon as they meet each other and it’s just so repetitive and boring.

rams created a topic of Night Song

this man is a whole future king to an entire nation and no servant or guard or nothing hears him getting his cheeks beat every night I’ve seen historical kdramas and they always have servants or guards two feet away from them but like no one hears nothing

rams created a topic of 2020

What’re you doing here with all that ass? Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon

rams created a topic of Jinx

Why do these mcs have literally zero self respect for themselves jaek literally wins top prize for the BIGGEST asshole in all bl universe I can’t even think of someone else that comes remotely close

rams created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

stop don’t fall for it! He’s tryna scam his way back into ur pants

rams created a topic of Polar Bunny


Is the uke like bunnicula

rams created a topic of Gotchu! Island

It’s the goat man

rams created a topic of A mail from my dead lover

The mc looks super adorable as a student and that haircut is so cute

rams created a topic of High Pulse

Can someone pls give me a little spoiler idk if I can hang in here much longer with this uke

The ukefication of kasuhisa gets me

rams created a topic of 2020

This is the same art style as another BL on here but I can’t remember the story name and now it’s bugging me I’m pretty sure it’s the same author

rams created a topic of Jueun

Is everyone skipping over the anus part

rams created a topic of Cry Me a River

I really love the character designs and art I like that the art is uncensored and it’s probably the most non boring sex BL on this site it looks more raw, intimate and realistic if that makes sense. I wouldn’t say it’s particularly “kinky” but I kinda get that vibe too

rams created a topic of Love and Roll