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According to another site, chapter 67 is the end. Kinda disappointed, but now it makes more sense why it seemed like they were pushing the romance all of a sudden, and speeding through his script. Sad to see it end, especially when it feels so abrupt.

Luluri created a topic of The Life of Maria Lewellin

I know I just wrote a comment complaining during the last batch of chapters posted, but with this new batch they really are speed running to a half-assed ending. They really wrapped it all up in a chapter, lmfao. And her whole running away from the palace stint lasted less than a chapter. tf was even the point if we don't even see any development of them pining while she's gone?! It was literally her leaving, all sad, we get one little scene on a dock with absolutely no decent dialogue, told he visited a few times (???) and she decided to go back. Lmfao I'm just laughing at the complete absurdity. The author just really didn't know what they were doing with this story. Seems like they have a talent for writing interesting premises and beginnings, & not being able to follow through with a even half decent story or conclusions. The whole empress storyline is just hilarious. What even happened to the bird. Lmfao, once again, why use the premise of talking to animals, when theres literally like maybe 10 chapters at the beginning where she actually does, and then the author just says fuck it. What even was the plot lol

Not really surprised they axed it. I suppose it's a good spot as any to end it. At least it's not on some big cliffhanger, but actually, now that I think about it, a cliffhanger would push more readers to continue with the novel. It started strong, but a lot of plot points & pacing issues, I think ruined it. And I personally don't think it a fault of the manwha artist or adaption, but the main faults were from the original novel itself. We were 89 chapters in, and felt like nothing had been done. I kinda lost interest after he just let his brainwashed brother who's being tortured go back because of politics. This might just be one of those stories that's better written, because you can describe more. Pictures and a few chat or thought bubbles can only do so much to convey certain things. A shame it's cancelled, I liked the art. Hopefully the artist signs onto do a better novel.

Luluri created a topic of The Life of Maria Lewellin

Well, this started off with a nice premise, and then devolved into whatever the hell is happening now. MC has all of half a braincell and absolutely no critical thinking skills. I feel we're on the fast track to the ending, and the MC won't be regaining common sense any time soon. The hell is the point in being able to talk to animals, if you only end up using it like, 4 times in the whole story. The dog at the beginning, the panther, the bird, and the rat to escape. Like, wtf, you should have a whole army working for you in the palace getting info on the empress. Mice, spiders, birds. Absolutely nothing should be catching her off guard. Also why is the panther not sleeping in her room as protection? Infuriating, honestly.

Luluri created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

How the hell could anyone dump Sawami? Like, those girls were fckin dumb, lol. If he treated his old girlfriends like he does Ryuusei, then wtf were those woman high on. The man's perfect. Ryuusei himself is a total catch, too. Damn perfect couple.

Luluri created a topic of To deny the route

Everyone's talking about Ilya and karyan, but y'all didn't notice the system pop up when he got the quest for the guide book in chapter 17 that said there is SIX TARGETS. We only have 5 right now. His three brothers, and the two prince's. That means there's someone else going to pop up later. Probably an antagonist. And since we've got blondie, white haired Mls, they're probably gonna be black haired, lol. Blue eyes, maybe, cuz we got the red from the prince's.

Luluri created a topic of From Green Kitchen

It's a food truck so he can take his cooking to whatever city the other gets transferred too!

Luluri created a topic of Roses and Champagne
Luluri created a topic of Perfect Pink Lover

Never been in a long-term relationship? 4 years is not a long-term relationship????????? The hell constitutes a LTR to him? Like, damn, lol.

Luluri created a topic of Full volume

An anal penetration aficionado! I'm dying, lmao!

Luluri created a topic of Nerd Project

Looks like Andrew has decided to go on the attack.

I enjoy this but honestly I think the pacing could be a lot better. I understand wanting to drag out the torture/death to make the revenge fulfilling, but these past few chapters of this whole fight feel really dragging at a snails pace. Hardly any dialogue, and what little dialogue there is, it's just the bad guys repeating the exact same words as the last chapter, and the one before that, and before that. Definitely could do with better pacing, but I'm still loving it. The only thing that could make it better is if he is somehow able to broadcast what all of these fuckers did, so everyone knows they're fucked.

Luluri created a topic of Seize My Boyfriend

Bro pulled that gun out of nowhere in 271, lmao. I was not expecting that, I busted out laughing.

Luluri created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Lmao the little creator chibi bowing apologizing for the wait is so damn valid. It's ok creator, the wait was so damn worth it. It always hits harder (and hotter) when you give the characters more chapters to increase their chemistry, and right now, our two boys chemistry is through the roof, so it tracks that this is going to be spicyy

Luluri created a topic of The Titan's bride

Bruh, please just hatch the egg already. These chapters are way too short, and far too infrequent that we've been dealing with this for what feels like a whole year. I mean yeah the sex between the elf and his giant was hot, but that was a whole damn chapter wasted on not moving the plot forward. Did he have some sort of memory return at the end? Is he shocked he thought about yuichi? Did we need that whole chapter for that? There ain't no room in this plot to start adding in love triangles and love squares with the elf and giant bodyguard.

Luluri created a topic of Our Sunny Days

She fell asleep cuz of his racing heart

Luluri created a topic of See You Never

The second couple is so uninteresting. The first couple wasn't even that great, but I liked to see the seme suffer so I finished it, even though the storyline was absolute ass (especially towards the middle and end with all that nonsense of other worlds). This second couple has both an even worse omegaverse storyline, and uninteresting characters combined. They're both just so fucking whiny and self centered. I'm legit more interested in this sub storyline with the friends who are actors, and that one actor who's blacklisting them. I should have dropped this ages ago.

Luluri created a topic of This is the Law

Um, idk if hiring a serial killer to be your bodyguard is smart...

Nothing like uploading the notice of season completing at chapter 50, AS chapter 50, before the actual chapter is even uploaded, lol. Those skimming bots sure are something.

Luluri created a topic of The Titan's bride

Kinda just want the egg to hatch already, it feels like it's been dragging forever. I feel like I remember it shook or cracked in earlier chapters and then nothing. Or did I just hallucinate it because I want this trial to be over?