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natalia larisa created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I'm wondering if this manhwa has a novel

I have been reading them and as an arab and as a muslim. brothey know nothinggggg. I have seen one of them being like skhia farouq or something AND BROTHER HE WAS ANYTHING BUT A SKHIA. And it's not like they are stopping them anytime soon they are increasing and like there is this one manhwa called "his dictatorship" honestly i hate it wtf just wha......

30 12,2023
natalia larisa like the answer
omg same cause i am arab too and I've came across some of them lemme tell u it's just super cliché and somehow all the princes from these mangas look alike they're incredibly rich and they have camels they always gotta bring camels into this lol and the people making those literally have 0 knowledge about the culture
natalia larisa followed question about question

Mine was in banana scandal season 2, Taehwan has this satisfying face that he made because he was an asshole and he deserves to be hurt lmaoooo I'll post his pic in the comments XD

29 12,2023
natalia larisa followed question about question

Whos the ugliest guy you think is sexy, go!

19 12,2023
natalia larisa followed question about fall for a same sex person

Name one chara you'd wife up immediately

17 12,2023
natalia larisa followed question about question

im a sucker for every old men and men with cold eyes.

17 12,2023
natalia larisa followed question about question

If you ever got a chance to meet an MANHWA CHARA. who would it be? Only one Me YU IJIN Dat boii he looks sooo fine

16 12,2023
natalia larisa followed question about change something

My friends and I are looking for new manga to translate, we don't really care what genre it is or what language it's originally in. So, if any of you guys out there want any manga translated so you can read it in English, just leave an answer to this question and my scan club will try to make your request happen! If you want any further details or ......

16 12,2023
natalia larisa followed a goer

hi im hachi 

04 12,2023
natalia larisa followed question about can't sleep

Basically what I'm sayin' is that I know there's a part of us that we shipped that wasn't what others expected. I'm bored so you can tell me, don't be shy and we're not starting hate in here

31 10,2023
natalia larisa like the answer
One-sided ship cause i love a woman getting bitches without even doing anything
natalia larisa like the answer
i don't use it and never wanted to. cringey as hell and the mischaracterisation is painful. yoo joonghyuk would barf and die rather than smirking and calling me babygirl
natalia larisa followed question about question

I don't wanna dig through all the pages of the mangago search list. Any genre is fine just want something good to read. note: please recommend bls that are from the top's pov. please and thank you everyone

18 09,2023
natalia larisa followed question about character obsession

Exactly what I'm asking for, who's the hottest around here, my candidate would be Jaekyung from Jinx (he's a real Asshole but a handsome one)

13 08,2023