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Jmir created a topic of Trapping the Foxy Doctor

We are 3 sisters, My older sis, me and my little sis. Me and my big sis always were together because we have only a year of difference. In the other hand mi little sis is 18 now its 7 years apart from us. Our stepfather (my Lil sis biological father) was a nightmare, he abuse us, hit us... he was a monster and we were just like 8 years old then. My mom god bless her is all we have, and I grateful to her, she had a really hard life.
After all of those events, my Lil sis gets super jealous about my relationship with my big sis ( I can't help it, she was my everything back then, she always protected me from my stepfather)
And she always talks sht about us, and manipulates my mom. We don't know what can we do to help her. She always is so extreme. We ask her to clean her room and all she does is scream and that we don't have any right to order her around. She says that her childhood was lonely, but ours too!! and we had it worse. She doesn't know that her father is such a bastard....
I'm sorry I feel hopeless sometimes:(