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Fudanshi May 29, 2021 1:18 am

I have foreseen this kind of mess months ago when the grandparents were introduced. We could count it as blessing that this is a light-hearted comedy. If this is a work that tries to be as realistic as possible, I am sure Yi Yun’s Grandparents would never accept such a thing, despite his love for Rou Rou. No matter how many chapters later, I cannot see myself like Feng a bit, just sadness for Yi Yun.

Fudanshi November 7, 2020 3:30 am

I must be the only one who felt uncomfortable with Yiyun unknowingly raising the child of another man for many years. I know that he has developed attachment and affection for the child, but it just seems unsettling. Yiyun was the one who paid for his surrogate fee, and Jinyao has cruelly trampled on his hope of getting his child by swapping the egg, to the extent of willingly discarding Yiyun’s egg to cover his crime, though, thanks god, he had a change of mind. The beginning of this manghua left a bad taste in my mouth due to Jingyao’s heartless attempt to take away Rourou from Yiyun and offering compensation as if his child was just a commodity and Yiyun’s affection for Rourou means nothing. However, I must admit, the later part of the story has somewhat alleviate some of my disdain towards Jingyao, but his actions in the beginning still irks me. Every time I think about how Yiyun’s parents and grandparents dotes on Rourou without knowing the truth behind his birth, I just shudder at the horrifying mess that will ensue later when the truth comes out. One thing to consider is that this is just fiction, so troubles can be solved easily, probably Rourou’s charm will win their hearts or something. If this is reality, oh boy, what a mess it will be.

I personally felt for and admire Yiyun a lot. Even after knowing Rourou is not his own child, which means he has raised someone’s else child for all this time with all his love, he still accepts this and doesn’t stop loving him. That is what makes me stay with this messed-up concept of a story, because I have read too many real life stories of husband raising a child that is not his own and eventually abandoning said family due to not coming to terms with it. It warms my heart to see Yiyun being so loving towards Rourou. In the end, what matters is still the bond that they share, not just blood. To be honest, I feel very satisfied every time I see Rourou attached to Yiyun and always seeking for Yiyun, not caring about Jimyao.

    kinda gay November 7, 2020 4:01 am

    i totally get you. i feel like if yiyun finds out the egg was swapped he'll get really mad at jinyao, or the author will cover it up with "they bonded so he's not mad lol" which personally is kinda twisted but like you mentioned, its fiction ┗( T﹏T )┛

    WK Raphael November 7, 2020 4:01 am

    I agree. Whenever I hear about situations like this in rl and the man is raising another mans child unknowingly then figures out and leaves it absolutely baffles me. How do you not feel some sort of emotional attachment to the child that you watched grow up and put your blood, sweat and tears into raising? I understand they aren't obligated to take care of a child that isn't theirs but makes me lose all respect for them. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Fallen_Angel November 7, 2020 4:48 am

    THat's also why Yi Yun's super famous BFF was like "WOuld you stop loving your kid if he wasn't yours and there was a mistake?"

    And thank goodness Yi's problem was more like "How can I go to court and keep my child when the technical ''birth' father comes along and wants to steal him away from me!?" And he was devastated because he felt powerless; and that's something even some parents who adopt fear is the birth parents coming back and being like "WELL I WANT MY CHILD!" and it's like "YOU WEREN'T RAISING THEM FOR X YEARS! YOU AREN'T THEIR REAL PARENT!"

    I was really irked with Jinyao as well at the beginning especially since he didn't seem to understand what the issue was with anything he was doing. And to some extend he is still suffering from this to a stupid degree. But you could tell that he craves affection from RouRou and feels like he's known him for a while because of him spying on the two of them. Until they met in person he's only seen one side of the screen and never thought that RouRou is old enough to know who his 'dad' is and who his 'family' is or isn't.

    And that RouRou's trust and love is something he actually has to earn. Yeah he's still a child who is easily influenced by things around him but it's not until later that RouRou is comfortable enough with Jinyao where he's treating him like someone in his family. Even if he doesn't call Jinyao dad or refer to Jinyao as his dad when asked he gave him a nickname "Feng Feng" which is probably something a young child would do when their parent starts dating someone.

    Also Jinyao actually taking the time to learn more about Yi Yun and his goals and passions and what things actually mean to him actually opened his eyes to a lot of things too but I still find it funny that he is totally head over heels for Yi even before the whole marriage charm thing.

    Florine November 7, 2020 4:48 am

    Totally agree, I still feed sad for YiYun whenever I remember JY did that to him, especially the part he forcibly used his lawyer to change RouRou to his own family register. YiYun is so good hearted, he still thinks the clinic made a mistake and didn’t get mad at JY and he still loves RouRou just the same. I just really hope at the end of it, YiYun also will have his own baby with that egg that was stolen.

    talkingllama November 7, 2020 5:29 am

    oh we are all bothered by that believe me lol, we're just ignoring it for the time being until everything gets solved, i guess i just want to enjoy the fluff and development while it lasts orz

    Mar November 7, 2020 5:59 am

    I mean, it's definitely one of Yi Yun's traits to go off of his own experience and keeping what he holds dear. He might've thought the whole time it was his biological child, but just because the kid turned out not to be his biologically, it doesn't make the child any less calid nor Yi Yun any less valid as a parent. At the end of the day, the parents of a child are the ones who raise them, not necessarily give birth to them. I rlly like Yi Yun bc he understood that there is a fundamental difference between birth and parenthood. When kids are adopted by a loving family, they become one of their own. In the hospital, there may even be a mix-up at some point and families got each others' babies. Highly likely it has happened in the past. Juinyao purposely messing with the egg though, that's definitely iffy and it's true in real life it could easily turn out messier bc so many people make a giant deal about blood

    zaynsluv November 7, 2020 6:10 am

    yeah same, i'm just waiting for that entire plot to blow up

    Mar November 7, 2020 6:15 am
    yeah same, i'm just waiting for that entire plot to blow up zaynsluv

    It will be entertaining if nothing else lol. I looked at the raws and Yi Yun's parents didn't seem that offput by Jinyao, so I wonder when they learn about that when they do. I mean, imagine explaining everything to the family if it comes to that x.x

    Mar November 7, 2020 6:16 am
    It will be entertaining if nothing else lol. I looked at the raws and Yi Yun's parents didn't seem that offput by Jinyao, so I wonder when they learn about that when they do. I mean, imagine explaining everythi... Mar

    when they learn about that if* they do

    zaynsluv November 7, 2020 6:22 am
    when they learn about that if* they do Mar

    is this story completed ?

    Mar November 7, 2020 6:42 am
    is this story completed ? zaynsluv

    Nope. The raws are at like ch 117, still goin'

    ThatsmyOpinioOooNn November 7, 2020 7:02 am
    It will be entertaining if nothing else lol. I looked at the raws and Yi Yun's parents didn't seem that offput by Jinyao, so I wonder when they learn about that when they do. I mean, imagine explaining everythi... Mar

    Can I have the raw link??

    Mar November 7, 2020 7:06 am
    Can I have the raw link?? ThatsmyOpinioOooNn
    Just scroll down until you reach the chapters :)

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