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I had to step back and watch a youtube vid because when she said "but you didn't die" or whatever filled me with so much rage I was about to act up
I haven't been reading this manga properly, most often skimming, but I will commit so many crimes if it comes out that that's just the way she is and not that she's using mind control magic and is trying to end the world

CutieBoi created a topic of Good Boy Addiction

1. yes it is still play, people really do want to go that intense, why do you think fetishes such as scat and fisting are a thing
2. yes it is cheating since one half of the relationship clearly says and feels like that is cheating, people may have different beliefs on what is considered cheating but when someone in a relationship feels like their boundaries set for cheating have been breached then it's cheating
hope I've made sense ╥﹏╥

yo fuck both of yukari's parents, but like fuck his mom more because she invited that shit of a dude into the family

someone in the comments needs to calm down and have a sprite