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Javier's expression's so funny to me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'll even lick your wound for you, Demon Lord.

uchoosemyname created a topic of Swordmaster
uchoosemyname created a topic of Dr. Choi Tae-Soo
uchoosemyname created a topic of The Man At Night

This is getting me fucking frustrated wtf

uchoosemyname created a topic of Killer Peter

Huhuhu baby I'll take care of you, we'll revive your clan. Just you and me.

LLOYD AND TENTACLES ?? I hate my mind sometimes, thought it was going somewhere for a sec.

uchoosemyname created a topic of Killer Peter

He's so hottttt. Kinda sad he gonna die.

I've seen a glimpse of the Demon Lord, I'm now alive. Yummmmmmmy.

uchoosemyname created a topic of Otoyomegatari

Azellll huhu I wanted to be your wife. Huhu