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#1LisaMinciDefender like the answer
Scarcity. there are so much mangas/hwas/huas out there with bad art, messy storylines, shitty pacing, cringy dialogues, borderline kodomomuke fucking execution. like gurl if your plot is cliche, at least put some effort on executing it nicely. you can tell that some artists nowadays focus on profit other than pursuing their own style
#1LisaMinciDefender like the answer
People asking why they’re saying this on a manga site like??? I get it y’all want to have some kind of separation but it’s not out of lines to put it here. I mean I’ve seen people on this site hardcore glorify Japan. We don’t want this site to become political sure but it’s the truth. So let’s have one person say it, let’s remember ......
#1LisaMinciDefender like the answer
kiss yae (SHE BADDD) marry dehya kill this child