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heystobit followed a list
12 10,2023
heystobit followed a list
01 09,2023
heystobit created a topic of Studio Cabana

yeah even after reading her backstory, idc. she’s still a vile disgusting person.

heystobit followed a list

for the horny girls who like to imagine themselves having sex in the olden days

24 08,2023
heystobit followed a list

warning !!


- rape / non-con / dub-con
- emotional manipulation
- other tag warnings unlisted

i will mostly only includes R18 stuffs and good art since i am easily turned off with the art i dislike.


edit: links will be directed to batoto or hentai sites

24 08,2023

is sieun mom single? bc i want her to be with juwon.

heystobit created a topic of Revelation Of Youth

LMAOO that gordon ramsay meme is funny corny but funny