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Funnychat1 September 13, 2018 1:59 pm

I haven't read anything good in a while so i am absolutely in love with this. The plot is great, the flow of the story is nice, the art is beautiful and the characters are interesting. I keep checking back to see if it has updated :.....( meanwhile could someone recommend me something similar to this?

Funnychat1 May 7, 2018 2:18 pm


Oh jesus lord. So pretty much next few chapters, the uke is freaking out and just stays inside his home for a week. Meanwhile the devil asks one of this friends (works at the same company and also a devil i believe) to help him find the actual killer. Work friend manages to find the white hair dude. When he does, he sort of confronts him, gets rid of all the souls inside him except for one and he (and the seme) make him go confess his crimes at the police station.
So now that the real killer has been found, uke returns to work. Uke and seme are also now in lovey dovey mode. Seme confesses, he's like hey man i want to be with you for a bit longer and gives him a ring. Uke freaks out, blushes, obviously feels the same way heh. Obligatory sex scene proceeds
Anyway just when you thought it was over. Nope, investigator dude is not convinced. He's like, theres no way that silver hair did such a thing. Bit of back story commences. Looks like he accidentally killed the silver hair dudes dad (who was a serial killer) back then, so he kind of picked up the kid because of guilt. Regardless, the man is still convinced that uke has killed people. He thinks that if he manages to get the other guy guilty, it'll be more of an issue and somehow things will be solved? He's insane at this point, now uke is captured. Fk

    Gingie May 7, 2018 2:21 pm

    Seriously I was like awe the story is getting lovey doves And then NOOOOOO cliffhanger kidnapping !!

    KissMeLikeYouMissMe May 8, 2018 3:37 am

    I want to know what the cop said to him in chapter 13 though he look so freak out at what he said.

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