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SuouNono created a topic of Debut or Die

TeStar sounds pretty cool without a rat in my ear telling me it sounds like testacles

SuouNono created a topic of Debut or Die

hope this doesnt randomly go on hiatus after this

SuouNono created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!


SuouNono created a topic of Sex and Friend

its interesting how things actually couldve continued with araki because mc was warming up to him only for him to wreck it all himself

SuouNono created a topic of Gig of the Day

why people so shitty for no reason

how'd they not notice, they're literally always together lmao

SuouNono created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

why is he like this, mc is so cute tho lmao

SuouNono created a topic of Monday'saviour

completely forgot they weren't dating already

SuouNono add 1 photos to Album
SuouNono created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
SuouNono created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

i love how the twins always use just one phone together. It's never them using two separate phones

SuouNono created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy
SuouNono created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

bro acting like he's the victim like you could've just gone your way

SuouNono add manga to list Dropped

Manager Woo Ji Oh, who is Soo Han's direct superior, has a handsome face and a beautiful buttoc...

  • Author: Wonmick,Minji
  • Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Drama / Romance

boring. Doesnt really seem to be going anywhere

SuouNono add manga to list Dropped


  • Author: Mongdo
  • Genres: Fantasy / Romance / Shounen Ai / Webtoons

dropped cuz I don't like any of the mls tbh

and then the story ended here and nothing bad ever happened to them. The end.

i dont understand how people like the purple eyed guy. Like yeah, I like reading about fictional obsessive love sometimes, but if they just ignore what the mc says then I find them annoying

SuouNono created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

bro really thought they were in it till death do them part

SuouNono created a topic of Comes In Threes

i read this manhwa with the naive hope that everything turns out alright for joon