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Luvarts created a topic of Be My Baby

Where is the tag idiots in love? Oh wait.. wrong website

Luvarts created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Seriously, i got annoyed when people asking questions that already been answered in the story lol

Luvarts created a topic of Regas

Why y'all complaining? I mean, we love our cuddly bear Abel, but we don't know what would happened in the future. Some says that he reincarnated, then there must be some important plot that happens to Abel later on.

Luvarts created a topic of Incorrigible

The comments.. i mean i understand the hate to Ayeon, BUT THE HATE FOR WOORI AND SAYING HE WAS CHEATING ON AYEON? SO DUMB LOL
It is shows that you are not old enough to read this story that is why you don't understand the situation. He is drunk, he was talking nonsense. Not cheating lmao