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Joji July 12, 2020 8:02 pm

I know this isn’t about manga but I couldn’t find anyone else and I think I chose the right place to ask for help because most of mangas are about relationships and you guys read a lot about them so I think you will be able to help me to choose the right decision so I am in love with this guy but we don’t get along he loves me a lot but he always criticize my clothing my talking my actions my friends places and times I go out I don’t think he’s trying to control me but he wants the best for me it’s hard because I’m the kind of the person who likes their own space and freedom I hate the feeling of being controlled or judged because what I say or what I do and I don’t think we can’t live together in the future it will be hard for me for him also but I love him so much and I just can’t let him go and I know if we broke up he would be super depressed and wouldn’t talk to anyone and never think about finding his true love I’m trying to make it work so hard and what makes it harder that my family is against our relationship so please if you have any thoughts advices anything just write it down

    Azazel_ July 12, 2020 8:23 pm

    I have no experience in relationship but I only can think of two things I would do,

    1. Talk it out. Communicate

    Have you tried taking to the guy about this? Let him know how you feel. That you know he wants the best but you just have different likings and cannot change every single thing.

    2. If you are so different that you cannot get along and he cannot stand the difference in personality and work it out, just better to understand that

    Bomblocatt July 12, 2020 8:26 pm

    If I were you I would sit down and have an honest conversation with him. Its even better through text at this time because of covid and all. Telling him your insecurities and what triggers your anger could help him control himself IF he doesn't listen to you than that probably means he doesn't care. I feel like you should talk it out

    Azazel_ July 12, 2020 8:30 pm
    I have no experience in relationship but I only can think of two things I would do, 1. Talk it out. CommunicateHave you tried taking to the guy about this? Let him know how you feel. That you know he wants the ... Azazel_

    -that it isn't going to work out. Just loving each other is not enough? If he can't stand your personality and only criticise, it isn't going to help. ╥﹏╥ even if he wants the best for you, it's just not you right?

    And how much could you change for your love? You cannot completely change yourself just because he doesn't like that :'(

    But again you both love each other, so I'm sure if you talk and both make a little change to suit each other it will help. Fighting <3

    But don't lose yourself just for the love
    That's what I think.

    (▰˘◡˘▰) Hope the best for you

    Anonym2003 July 12, 2020 8:51 pm

    Talk with him! And after that, talk more with him. You said that you guys love each other deeply, and I believe your words by that, and that’s why you should sit down, and spill out everything that you’ve kept inside you. Keeping it all untold will just increase the distant between the two of you, misunderstandings and distrust will most likely appear if you don’t sort it all out with him! Even though his first intention isn’t to control you, it seems to me like it still ends up with him doing so. If he wants the best for you, he have to understand that your freedom and will are something he also has to take in consideration. I’m sure you deeply want for him to understand you and your values, but don’t forget to listen to his point of view too, because this goes for the both of you! It doesn’t mean that you will have to give in for him, but it’s about for you to understand exactly why he acts like he does, what you can do to make it better for him to deal with this, and what he can do to lighten up this heavy burden on your shoulders. We’re always here if you need to talk more, but know that your boyfriend is also there by your side, so be sure to talk with him properly about this

    Minorin July 12, 2020 9:04 pm

    He sounds very controlling honestly I would rather break it up in that situation
    Sorry but if he criticizes you and you always have to feel on edge around him there’s no way you can make it better , you do not try to change a boy , cause he won’t and you’ll just end up exhausted , I don’t agree that you should communicate with him about this , cause he SHOULD already now that’s it not okay and he probably does , he just doesn’t care and you deserve better than that
    If he talks down to you it’s because he wants to bring down your self esteem so he can do whatever he wants and you will always hold the short end of the stick , that’s just disgusting manipulative behavior , please do not let yourself be manipulated by words when his actions don’t much , I know it’s hard but you have to find better , and even IF he didn’t mean anything bad , you can’t just change someone

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