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Chaosblast_69 followed a list

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what to expect from this list-

 Seme/uke here is a trickster...The main theme of the mangas listed here includes stories with MCs who fake themselves,their personality for money/revenge/personal reasons 

When you have nothing else left in your life you have " REVENGE" 


• ◥║║◤ • ◥║║◤ • ◥║║◤ • ◥║║◤ • ◥║║◤ • ◥║║◤ •

26 12,2023
Chaosblast_69 followed a list
01 11,2023
Chaosblast_69 followed a list

It was so good, so intense. BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!! That ending was totally uncalled for, he was already in love with him so for the laws of the universe to be that way SUCKS!! It could have worked in my opinion, there just needed to be an aftermath of the boss battle. Not a fucking reset, such a shame!!!