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Just reading August 29, 2015 7:37 am

OMG I love this! Right now I don't know who Jian Yi should end up with, mostly because I don't really understand where Zhan Xi's feelings and sexuality lie. We know that Jian Yi likes Zhan Xi, and He Tian likes Jian Yi (so they are at least bisexual, maybe gay), but what about Xhan Xi? Is he even gay/bisexual? Jian Yi and Zhan Xi have so much history together that you naturally want to ship them together. On the other hand, it's so adorable watching He Tian try to get Jian Yi's attention so I want to root for him as well!

Just reading August 21, 2015 3:02 am

Tatsuya was an indecisive bastard throughout the whole manga and his actions badly hurt Junichi.

First he agonizes over his love for Junichi. When his wish comes true, it's Tatsuya who is ashamed of their relationship while Junichi fully embraces it (remember Junichi is supposed to be the straight/bisexual guy while Tatsuya is gay). After they are outed in front of their supportive friends, you would think that Tatsuya finally comes to terms with things, but then he goes on to cheat on Junichi in a last ditch effort to see if he can hook up with a girl. He gets her pregnant and thinks the responsible thing to do is to marry her (BTW she is just as bad as Tatsuya, unhappy that her own lesbian relationship fell apart, she goes and ruins a happy gay couple who she knows are in love -how petty can you get? She doesn't even apologize to Junichi when he later meets her, instead becoming jealously upset). Throughout this, Tatsuya didn't even think of how all this would impact Junichi.

In reality Tatsuya threw Junichi aside so easily because he finally got what he thought was impossible - a straight relationship that society approves of. Who cares if Junichi has been there to love and support him. Imagine if Junichi was a girl and married to Tatsuya. It would still be ridiculous for Tatsuya to get a divorce and go off to marry the other girl just because she got pregnant. Okay people make mistakes so I was willing to forgive Tatsuya if he tried to make things right. However he doesn't even make an effort. It's Junichi who practically begs Tatsuya to take him back after the wife dies. Tatsuya should be happy that Junichi is still even talking to him at this point. I don't like how weak and desperate the author made Junichi in those chapters, seemed out of character.

So while I mostly liked this story, the lack of proper atonement from Tatsuya leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

    Kei_S September 10, 2015 2:15 am

    Well said. That part definitely left me unsatisfied.

    I really got hurt with what Takako did. Just because she's bitter of how her relationship failed, she took advantage of Tatsuya and destroyed their relationship. But more than that, I was disappointed with Tatsuya, because he caved in on that curiosity/uncertainty that Takako fed him, saying the other only went along because of puberty or something, which made him feel insecure especially because he felt he was the one who dragged Junichi in a homosexual relationship.

    I honestly hoped that after her proposition, he would start with her but not go all the way, just like how Junichi responded when he was about to try it with an older woman before, but still thought of Tatsuya. And the fact that he just went along normally with Junichi even after what he did pissed me off. Imagine how hurt Junichi felt after all those happened.

    Tatsuya was the first who fell in love! He worked hard to have his feelings reciprocated! So... why? How could he still be uneasy? Sure, he was hurt when Junichi seemed indifferent about the marriage interviews, but they've gone through a lot already. Wasn't he supposed to be more mature about it? He was aware that he should discuss it with Junichi ASAP, so why couldn't he have just waited more?! If only he talked to him first before even asking Takako to pretend to be her lover just to stop the omiai (probably thinking Jun would understand that it's only fake and he's only doing it so they could remain together)...

    Takako acting that way towards Junichi when she met him again was really frustrating! I somehow understand, that in her POV, she's always been threatened by Junichi's existence because she knew exactly how in love those two guys were, so she was satisfied that she at least got Tatsuya with her despite him still being in love with Junichi. So when he appeared again, she knew she really lost. So she just asked him to take care of his husband and son. I was like, "So now you're asking a favor? Are you trying to shove it to his face that despite their mutual love, he chose you and you gave him something Jun can never give him? Are you trying to hurt him like this?" I mean, she didn't have to ask that favor at all, but it seemed like she did, just so she would look kind in the end. What frustrated me more was that she wasn't even remorseful for what she did to Junichi - for destroying that hard-to-come-by mutual homosexual love!

    Okay, sorry for ranting so much about Takako when your topic's more focused on Tatsuya. I was just really disappointed that he was left that way. Him, being "loyal" to Takako even after her death by refusing to live with Junichi no matter how much he offered was very hypocritical and selfish. Especially after he only agreed to finally be with Junichi just because Takako apparently approved of them already. Like, just how much did he honor that woman? I get that over time, he also loved Takako, but he's too absorbed in his guilt/righteousness that he's become quite pathetic. It might be bad, but I wish he suffered a bit more for what he did to Junichi. It just didn't feel right that he even lived normally while Junichi suffered a lot more. Their roles switched just like that. Honestly, this was one of the biggest and most painful betrayals I've read so far. Your comment about if Jun were a girl and they were married was spot on, too.

    CONCLUSION: Tatsuya's been a real j*rk.


    surufa September 19, 2015 9:43 pm
    Well said. That part definitely left me unsatisfied.I really got hurt with what Takako did. Just because she's bitter of how her relationship failed, she took advantage of Tatsuya and destroyed their relationsh... Kei_S

    I couldn't agree more with you, this is what bothering me since that takako girl shows up in the story and everything become all messed up (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Lalla November 10, 2015 12:45 am

    It has been years since I read this, so forgive me if I make some mistakes. But do you really think Tatsuya loved Junichi? I could never forget this manga because of how egoistic, hypocrite, mean, weak and heartless he is. He didn't even think twice before doing it with that woman, just because he found some condons with Junichi. He abandoned his lover when he could have found some other way out, weak people like him loves themselves the most .
    I didn't feel anything for this manga but disgust. Weak people such as Tatsuya who hurts others because of their own mistakes are nothing but parte of the trash.

    Evilcleo November 10, 2015 2:17 am
    It has been years since I read this, so forgive me if I make some mistakes. But do you really think Tatsuya loved Junichi? I could never forget this manga because of how egoistic, hypocrite, mean, weak and hear... Lalla

    I'd say he loved him. Tatsuya wasn't the only one who made mistakes you know. But I won't argue with you and allow you to keep your opinion because you are one of those "he cheated....worst manga ever" people who cannot understand the manga on the deeper level it was meant to be.

    Lalla November 10, 2015 6:53 am
    I'd say he loved him. Tatsuya wasn't the only one who made mistakes you know. But I won't argue with you and allow you to keep your opinion because you are one of those "he cheated....worst manga ever" people w... Evilcleo

    Actually, that's not respecting MY opnion, its insulting it. Second, what I did was to look into the psychological one. Third, I did not ask anyone, I asked justread, so stop being nosy.
    Oh yeah, and by the way, if he does it once, he will just do it again. But oh, let me guess, you are one of those "oh.. Crap, I cheated again. What to do" type of person, aren't you.
    Stop answering questions you didn't even understand and weren't meant for you just because some people didn't like it

    Evilcleo November 10, 2015 3:01 pm
    Actually, that's not respecting MY opnion, its insulting it. Second, what I did was to look into the psychological one. Third, I did not ask anyone, I asked justread, so stop being nosy.Oh yeah, and by the way,... Lalla

    I never cheated on anyone and I'm so sick of people claiming I'm insulting their opinion. I added that comment to make that clear. My point is that there's two people who read this. If you can look beyond his cheating, you enjoy it. If you can't, you hate it. I believe that people get second chances and there are people who learn it from mistakes. You have a very different opinion, thus I wasn't gonna argue. Third, you did ask a question. I answered it.

    Lalla November 10, 2015 4:04 pm
    I never cheated on anyone and I'm so sick of people claiming I'm insulting their opinion. I added that comment to make that clear. My point is that there's two people who read this. If you can look beyond his c... Evilcleo

    If you, yourself, can't control your words, then don't speak. With love, comes respect, and that is almost inexistent in this. You insulted me stating what you think I AM without thinking twice. If you are sick of people claiming that, start thinking before saying something.
    I asked one specific person, not just anyone and mainly not you. Stop being nosy, think before speaking and don't judge others just because of a question. It wasn't nice, was it?, and then, maybe, people will stop thinking you are a jerk.

    melontea November 10, 2015 5:51 pm

    I wish I can frame your comments (and the first reply), honestly I couldn't agree more. I am genuinely glad for people who can look past it and be happy with the ending but honestly I can't. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that thinks and feels this way, and that you can bring it out in words. Like really, ignoring all the science and logic for now, I want to see how people would react if Junichi's and the girl's roles (or genders) are reversed, or if Junichi was a female. Pretty sure there will be more people that is able see the problem here

    iamxrae November 25, 2015 8:44 am
    It has been years since I read this, so forgive me if I make some mistakes. But do you really think Tatsuya loved Junichi? I could never forget this manga because of how egoistic, hypocrite, mean, weak and hear... Lalla

    I pretty much agree, though I was more disappointed than disgusted. Just because a girl came on to him didn't mean he had to sleep with her. That in itself made him unworthy of Junichi in my eyes. I got the impression that he never really felt true heartbreak or remorse of any kind over how he treated Junichi, even going so far as to be happy and in love with his wife. It pissed me off even more that after his wife died, Tatsuya had it easy - Junichi falls into his lap again, and la-la-la Tatsuya had everything he ever wanted.

    iamxrae November 25, 2015 8:48 am

    Thanks for having the bravado to say something about the manga in a not-so-positive light, against the majority of the swooning admirers.
    Well said :)

    Lalla November 26, 2015 5:13 pm
    I pretty much agree, though I was more disappointed than disgusted. Just because a girl came on to him didn't mean he had to sleep with her. That in itself made him unworthy of Junichi in my eyes. I got the imp... iamxrae

    I think the author took humans emotions too slightly. Indeed, many people are just like Tatsuya- Insecure, weak, egoistic, hypocrite and a bunch more- But the author could have explored this manga in many different ways. The most disgusting for me is the fact that even after Junichi returns, Tatsuya still has moments of insecurity. The guy went through so much because of him, and he still dares to act like the coward he is.
    But it's good to know someone agrees with me- Since most people adore this manga- I nearly thought I was alone.

    Anonymous December 8, 2015 6:43 am
    It has been years since I read this, so forgive me if I make some mistakes. But do you really think Tatsuya loved Junichi? I could never forget this manga because of how egoistic, hypocrite, mean, weak and hear... Lalla

    Maybe if junichi spoke up when he first told him about getting married he may not have gone through with it. Junichi seemed fine and still continued seeing him when he knew he was hurting. It wasn't until the last day he opened up about it and he ran away. Tatsuya was of the opinion that he was okay with it since he had already told him before to go for a marriage interview. I don't think he ever doubted tatsuyas love he was just hurt that tatsuyas never thought that they would always be together. Even after that he disappeared for 5years , I think he was also a coward. He should have fought harder for their love . He just couldn't get past the betrayal , that what kills a lot of relationship unforgivness. In real life love is that complicated especially when your in a difficult relationship. It' always seems better to take the easy way out but one of you has to push the other to strengthen your resolve. I blame both of them. But am happy junichi still loved him enough to come back. I don't blame tatsuya for not being remorseful when junichi came back, he started to love someonelse who was there when junichi ran away. I also blame the author for not writing that volume well seemed to rushed like she just needed a plot twist.

    Evilcleo December 11, 2015 4:07 am
    If you, yourself, can't control your words, then don't speak. With love, comes respect, and that is almost inexistent in this. You insulted me stating what you think I AM without thinking twice. If you are sick... Lalla

    If you only want to talk to one person, put their name on the response so people know that.

    Lalla December 11, 2015 12:32 pm
    If you only want to talk to one person, put their name on the response so people know that. Evilcleo

    Well, there was no need, since I answered her and not created a topic, it's kind obvious

    Evilcleo December 12, 2015 5:57 am
    Well, there was no need, since I answered her and not created a topic, it's kind obvious Lalla

    yeah, but as you have seen, many people other than her answered your response too. Me, anonymous, etc...unless you specify, even a response to a topic is open for everyone to reply.

    Lalla December 12, 2015 10:31 am
    yeah, but as you have seen, many people other than her answered your response too. Me, anonymous, etc...unless you specify, even a response to a topic is open for everyone to reply. Evilcleo

    to be very honest, I was just being childish because in my opnion, you were being rude. I don't really care

    Evilcleo December 13, 2015 4:32 pm
    to be very honest, I was just being childish because in my opnion, you were being rude. I don't really care Lalla

    For future reference then, you can private message a person if they are registered and leave the topic as such. Save a lot of back and forth from unwanted discussion.

    LallaLa December 13, 2015 8:01 pm
    For future reference then, you can private message a person if they are registered and leave the topic as such. Save a lot of back and forth from unwanted discussion. Evilcleo

    Indeed, but I am just not the type to leave a discussion in the middle.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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