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mari created a topic of It's Not Like That (Gangto)

They fell for each other… for literally no reason tf. Like where is the chemistry?? The boss is also just crazy pushy, “green flag” but he was gonna fuck the uke when he was blackout drunk sureee. And showing up unannounced to his house + giving him extra work + digging into his background is super romantic righttt.

mari created a topic of My boss is sadist

the art reminds me of that south park amputee artist if anyone remembers them

mari created a topic of Pink Heart Jam

Given’s better, this storys just trashy

mari created a topic of Yours to Claim

They’re all miserable af from these relationships like whats the point anymore

mari created a topic of Dreadful Night

Maybe its cause their faces are so expressionless but doha is really fucking annoying now

mari created a topic of Yours to Claim

I never thought id see the day that jooin grows a backbone and tbh i wouldve folded to yahwi by now

mari created a topic of Non-Refundable Alpha

Fellas im ngl. I hate everything about the mc, ml, and plot. BUT im reading it because mc looks like the onceler. Anyways

mari answered question about question
This is me except i just want to see users that got into heated fights before meet again and start some more shit lmaooo
mari answered question about question
mari created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

“We can take care of each other when we’re sick” im gonna SOB he’s literally saying he'll be his family

mari answered question about question
Me doing this quiz like “Llwe— Llewy— Lelewy — Llewwyn???”
mari created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

This is the best manhwa currently updating on here, you cant change my mind

mari answered question about have sex
What is he like putting out ads or something LMAO?? This should be obvious but at least be friends with him first, like he could be a fucking loser. Also if you’re a girl, keep in mind that casual sex is more risky on your end than his. You’re horny sure but who’s to say he’d even care about your pleasure or safety? How many ppl is he gonna......
mari answered question about craziest day in your life
OP you're attracted to pixels...? No talk about real women? Smells like fake lesbian...

Ugh story has fell off so much, it’s so cliche and boring now

mari created a topic of The World Without You

I need sekye in a way thats concerning to feminism

mari created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

I think im done with the yaoi genre forever actually. I don’t wanna see anymore