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ensorcelled. created a topic of Just Like You

i like that they're having troubles in paradise now that they've moved in because it's common to clash when you start living with someone, it'll blow over soon because they'll talk it out (they better!!!) and then gain communication skills and then spend more lovey dovey days~ and everyone wins!

ensorcelled. created a topic of Jinx

at this point im not waiting on jaekyung's redemption arc, im just here to see to what level of awful he can get

ensorcelled. created a topic of Given

i do think the ending was rushed, but thank god i didn't read through comments when i finally decided to binge read all this today. gosh crying over fictional love is so good, i love it.

ensorcelled. created a topic of Counter Offensive

it's gonna be such a shitty feeling in your face moment if ml did turn out to be plotting something to get back at mc. i mean mc deserves it lol just for the drugging alone... i feel like the reveal or ml pov will happen soon ㅠㅠ i'll miss these cutie chill domesticated mundane being together moments

are there no spoilers at all, i hate not knowing if theres so twist i have to prepare my brain for ahsjdjshja

ensorcelled. created a topic of Counter Offensive

like the mc is insufferable but also not?? like his personality is shit but it's entertaining watching him struggle with his whole "i hate this guy's guts but he's cute i guess sure let's take him in" persona towards ml. idk the whole story so far feels so on the edge like im always waiting for a huge fight to blow over that will serve as catalyst to finally explain ml's side and maybe have mc sort out his feelings... and just when you think this fight/conflict is the one to do it, the tension will simmer down and turn to this weirdly endearing strained lovey dovey moment.

ensorcelled. created a topic of Work Love Balance

stop shoving it to our faces how cute you two areeee (pls show us more teeth rotting sweet moments dont hold back)

ensorcelled. created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

everyone deserves parents like seonwoo's

ensorcelled. created a topic of Public Sex

they're perfect for each other ❣

ensorcelled. created a topic of Counter Offensive

but im soooo curious with ml's pov... what's going on in that handsome head of his

one plot device(?) i loathe is when one party decide for the both of them when it's a relationship that should be decided by both parties. maybe because the author made it so clear where suyeon's apprehensions root from that's why i don't feel as annoyed about the whole "im so bad for you so i'll leave you without even consulting how you feel" like i trust seme will pull through since he's obvi down bad but i hope suyeon really will be able to heal from all the trauma he's been dealt with.

ensorcelled. created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

pls don't say anything gosh ryuusei barely got that confession out of him

idk they don't match well as a couple, like overall vibes-wise... tbh seme's hair situation is to blame imo. fukami is so pretty-handsome that it's annoying how kaji's design is so meh??

ensorcelled. created a topic of Bed for Three

i need this to be a 3p until the end plssss.. idk both ml tolerates each other so that's a decent start to the throuple dreams

ensorcelled. created a topic of Semantic Error

my sanity banks on your answer to the question please i cant deal with more fighting chapters

ensorcelled. created a topic of Frenzy Train

there's no redemption arc in sight ever but oh well the plot is porn and idk why i still expect something when i check updates

ensorcelled. created a topic of Half of Me

the synopsis to this was so ??? that i was so suspicious of the ML's involvement with the student but i guess i didn't read it right?

ensorcelled. created a topic of The Path Of Star

the characters are drawn so well huhuhu mc looks so pretty with his pink hair too hopefully he doesn't have to change it yet idol industry plots stresses me out because it will get even more hectic but aaaaaa please give us lots of lovey dovey scenes

ensorcelled. created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

this is my weekly "team woori" all the way comment (even if he's not even in the ep) because not only is he hot but so far he's been very respectful of danwoo~

ensorcelled. created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

did minhyuk never saw himself in the mirror and thought maybe he could get money off of modelling or something a bit less crazy of an industry??

ensorcelled. created a topic of Jinx

personally not a fan of love bombing but that's hardly anything to complain about against jaekyung's (awful) track record... i want more of him getting jealous but im worried doc dan gets treated even worse if that happens ://