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Yaasmyn March 29, 2024 6:30 am

What the hell is wrong with all of u people? The main character literally gets raped by some guy yall hot and then he has the audacity to fall in love with the main character. Like if that happened to y'all it wouldn't be so hot right? Exactly, so all of you guys need help including of the author of this bs.

Edit: lmaoo people are so weird and madddd like omg if y'all like rape just say that you fucking weirdos I'm not gonna reply to mentally ill people anymore cuz I have a life to live unlike some people who probably just read rape all day so please argue with the wall

    But do they fuk? March 29, 2024 6:00 am

    womp womp :(

    paolaaa29 March 29, 2024 6:01 am

    Why are you here then?

    GOJOSBIGFATCOCK March 29, 2024 6:02 am

    Louder, I still hate Taeju and can't handle him, I'm just here for the brother and Euihyun

    Yaasmyn March 29, 2024 6:05 am
    Why are you here then? paolaaa29

    To remind mentally ill people that they need help

    Yaasmyn March 29, 2024 6:06 am
    womp womp :( But do they fuk?

    If it ever happens to u I'll be saying the same thing

    cvrcek888 March 29, 2024 6:08 am

    Exactly....I cannot stand MC either. All the things that he did in early chapters won't just disappear.

    paolaaa29 March 29, 2024 6:10 am
    To remind mentally ill people that they need help Yaasmyn

    It’s literally a manhwa and it’s fiction? The people that need help are the ones comparing it to real life like you. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it. No one is forcing you to be here lmaoo

    cobrakai1972 March 29, 2024 6:11 am

    Girl this is fiction. Who said we are romanticizing taeju’s actions? Of course I wouldn’t like this irl. I’m going to guess you had good intention but this isn’t the way to go at it.

    Saying this on an illegal website where ppl are reading dark BL isn’t going to raise “awareness” bc ppl already know to separate fiction from reality.

    You should put all that energy into real life situations. There’s a lot of terrible things happening if you really want to do “justice”.

    But do they fuk? March 29, 2024 6:12 am
    If it ever happens to u I'll be saying the same thing Yaasmyn

    girl we all know that ur still here because you u like the story too just stfu and read. It's not that serious :/ see you next week luv!

    But do they fuk? March 29, 2024 6:14 am
    Girl this is fiction. Who said we are romanticizing taeju’s actions? Of course I wouldn’t like this irl. I’m going to guess you had good intention but this isn’t the way to go at it. Saying this on an i... cobrakai1972


    Yaasmyn March 29, 2024 6:17 am
    It’s literally a manhwa and it’s fiction? The people that need help are the ones comparing it to real life like you. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it. No one is forcing you to be here lmaoo paolaaa29

    No shit it's fiction but what all of you guys don't get is that this came from someone's mind and obviously you don't know anything about crime stuff it all starts with ideas and little things until they or someone else who reads this acts out the stuff in it

    Yaasmyn March 29, 2024 6:19 am
    Girl this is fiction. Who said we are romanticizing taeju’s actions? Of course I wouldn’t like this irl. I’m going to guess you had good intention but this isn’t the way to go at it. Saying this on an i... cobrakai1972

    Some people actually are romanticizing his actions and no there are a lot of people who don't know how to separate fiction from reality and some get inspired by the things they see so if you can't understand that then that's a you problem

    Yaasmyn March 29, 2024 6:26 am
    girl we all know that ur still here because you u like the story too just stfu and read. It's not that serious :/ see you next week luv! But do they fuk?

    Just because I'm here doesn't mean I like the story so get your facts straight and u stfu cuz it is serious that people like you actually like this poor excuse of manhwa so u can stay here til next week for the basically rape scenes that u love so much! Because who would fall in love with their rapist, would u? I don't think so.

    cobrakai1972 March 29, 2024 6:27 am
    Some people actually are romanticizing his actions and no there are a lot of people who don't know how to separate fiction from reality and some get inspired by the things they see so if you can't understand th... Yaasmyn

    LMAOOO okay I see it now. You’re obviously young. Look I completely get what you mean but you’re barking up the wrong tree. Just bc some ppl don’t know how to separate it from reality doesn’t mean EVERYONE does.

    If every fiction that is immoral is a bad influence then what about the abundance amount of other things? Horror films, serial killer documentaries, violet games etc. are you going to want those ban too?

    Think about it. Instead of trying to spread your justice BS. Bc it’s hypocritical, you’re still on an illegal website and I bet my ass you’re still reading this. The ppl “romanticizing” this could be just ppl who find this hot kink wise like me. Never would I ever condone these actions irl. And if there are truly ppl romanticizing this then yes, it’s not right and should be dealt with separately.

    You coming on here telling ppl to get help mentally is rude and not like you actually care at all. Please rethink your actions.

    cobrakai1972 March 29, 2024 6:29 am

    Deadasss. And the fact that OP is listing the scenes about about us romanticizing the rape would only mean they read the recent chapter to even know I bet she’s fuming on the fact that she also gets off to this so she’s projecting

    But do they fuk? March 29, 2024 6:31 am
    Just because I'm here doesn't mean I like the story so get your facts straight and u stfu cuz it is serious that people like you actually like this poor excuse of manhwa so u can stay here til next week for the... Yaasmyn

    U rated this manhwa 5 stars girly, you should get your ideals checked before u come on an illegal website and act all high and mighty :( . Actually, some of ur "favorites" are questionable as well. you're one if YAYYY no shame!!

    But do they fuk? March 29, 2024 6:37 am
    Deadasss. And the fact that OP is listing the scenes about about us romanticizing the rape would only mean they read the recent chapter to even know I bet she’s fuming on the fact that she also gets off to t... cobrakai1972

    That's most definitely the case HAHA

    •ERZA• March 29, 2024 6:43 am

    I better see your comment on Jinx girl. I feel personally attacked by your ludicrous comment that I can't help but reply since I'm one of those people that you're saying are "mentally ill". LOL

    You see people like you makes everything a big deal. Yeah, I said it meh. Don't act like you are a psychiatrist who needed to remind us that this is shit and that we can't read this thing because we are romanticizing yadayadayada. THIS IS FICTION. I wonder how you act with every fictional stories that has tropes like this, I bet you're losing your mind lmao.

    What, you read the manwha and then after that you thought:
    "Mmm mmm this is not correct!! I better remind these mentally ill people that this is just not right! I know this is FICTION but I don't care! Oh my god they might start doing this in real life!" XD

    LMAO What are you doing here starting shit for? Girl, if someone wants to start a crime like this, they don't even need to read this manwha. A bad person WILL always be a bad person, if that's what you're pointing out. There are even stories that are more gruesome and nastier than this, you better remind those people to stop reading those or else they might follow it too!! Since you're already here acting like some mind doctor/detective who easily deducted that once a person reads this stuff they will act like this too then you better go to every single manwha/manga/manhua that's like this and remind them not to read it. Btw, there's nothing wrong with us -- thank you very much for your concern. Not.

    ghost March 29, 2024 7:14 am

    some of us enjoy dark fiction. if ur pu$$y ass can’t handle it then exit out stop tryna ruin it for other ppl

    Baby tiana March 29, 2024 7:19 am

    This is why I always say that young people shouldn't read yaoi. I understand what you mean but some of us here are actually grown adults that understand that these scenarios are bad but guess what? It's just entertainment. You're probably someone young that takes things too seriously and want to be passionate about stuff but guess what? If we all have your mindset, many movies and tv series wouldn't be appreciated and watched. I advice you to wait till you're an adult before you decide to continue reading yaoi and see if it's your cup of tea cause clearly it's not right now

Yaasmyn December 12, 2020 8:29 am

╥﹏╥ i loved thissss

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