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Utot ni Heart created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

Damn, I know how it feels to be staying with someone who hates you but also loves you. One day they'll shower you with love, then loathes you as if you just murdered their entire bloodline, the cycle would continue. It's mentally and physically draining. The worst thing is, it's my mother.

I cringed reading the first chapter, idk if I should continue reading this or not bcs mannnn I'll die from the cringe ┗( T﹏T )┛

Utot ni Heart created a topic of Chaotic Nights

This is what I'm talking about, a porn with a plot. Her sister suffers so much that I want nothing more than for her to be treated kindly and get out of that terrible place.

Utot ni Heart created a topic of Predator Marriage

The wine tastes like shit, so of course it'll go to the trash ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Utot ni Heart created a topic of Predator Marriage

And just like any other good arts here, they might change. I'm lowering my expectations on this (T.T)