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KokoroNoKuroko August 3, 2023 1:25 pm

Its so funny how they try to plug their own page while they just suddenly start uploading over the original uploader.
Also why translate another series when it's already being translated by another team?

KokoroNoKuroko July 2, 2021 2:27 am

Whats the difference between the normal and the cake version?!?

KokoroNoKuroko's questions ( All 1 )

KokoroNoKuroko April 19, 2021 12:12 pm

Hey guys!
I'm searching for a yaoi manga, where the uke has such a wild imagination, that he feels it for real.
So in that one scene he's sitting in his classroom and imagines having sex with that one girl in class and gets an orgasm. But while doing so another classmate the seme finds out and uses it to his advantage by saying pervy things that the uke imagines and gets him hot.

I really wanna reread that, bu tI didn't put it in my read list.

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