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redlilies asked a question

Anything pet related? No tragedy tho i just want to see cute stories

redlilies asked question about question

ngl I’ve been watching old anime for nostalgia and just rewatch but I’m actually so sad when I realized back then anime character was actually just tan like that’s normal like rn everyone is just pale asf unless they’re like foreigners but like dude back then mc’s weren’t as sheet paper pale they look more normal idk how to explain this......

redlilies asked question about question

i have to say something out of my chest im just playing dont take this seriously!! OKAY SO PUT THAT actor/idol trope down!! i dislike it im so tired of it idc if they have to hide i dont care if they got found out i don’t care if they get threatened by a journalist/papz I don’t care if they’re a manager/actor relationship I’m also jk i ......

redlilies created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Omg wait kinda a cute chp we cheer

redlilies created a topic of Family, Now and Forever

towa changed him so cute also y’all bitter melon really isn’t for the weak that thing so yucky

redlilies created a topic of Long Period

I’ll be honest with you the plot abt the brother was so much more engaging than the love story i feel like this could’ve been a good 5-7 chp too

redlilies asked a question

i want like an adventure but also funny

redlilies asked question about question

idc if its you or your parents but if anyone got a rich parents or urself what job do they have? Or middle class atleast im trying to see where to study or go

damn the brother was so fine but also maybe I don’t remember but does anyone know why he’s the one on the battlefield instead of the redhead brother since he was a kid?

redlilies created a topic of Lovesick Hypocrites

omg i was wondering if they were going to touch up with the brother after that past story glad they did and this is such a cute couple

redlilies asked a question

Bl one country side kid go to uni meet the playboy neighbor next door and they got close
The country boy got this cute fat friend i think and found out his grandma and friends love boy groups and also his cousin was weird

redlilies created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

watch omg either he’s going to do something stupid or there’s going to be a misunderstanding but this cute but I’m a little scared

this is so cutee but i lowkey dont get why they’re jealous of each other getting near the neighbors when their neighbor is also basically a couple and also helping them out

redlilies answered question about plans for the future
passive income

omg this is getting me child names while you’re still on the pill if u dont tell her omg T_T but hes head over heels omggg love to see but this is making me nervous from the spoilers ive seen

redlilies created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

being able to afford a massage chair oh thr dream

redlilies answered question about read 1000 manga or more
I don’t like ppl over analyzing a character too much can’t explain it or those tiktoks that gives like facts abt this character and it’s not said anywhere like u just made that up! reincarnation/isekai manhwas has been boring even tho artstyle is good plot is just always this and that rarely do we see something new not just bl but even any......

“Die” oop lmaoo caught me off guard but I really need to know why shes not really in with the fam i guess they’re trying to protect her from dying maybe? Cause his husband dead?(is he?i frogot) and everyone there can potentially kill her so maybe thats why? Idk i feel kinda bad for her i dont want to judge her yet but what she said is def valid too ngl like even if shes turns out bad also like this fam needs to stop hiding shit from pershati(?) or staying quiet like atp what doesn’t she not know?she even died twice just tell her alr omggg