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Yume created a topic of Mission: Yozakura Family

No hate on any of the characters, but I just want MC Taiyo back. I'm close to dropping this

Yume created a topic of Mission: Yozakura Family

I wonder when will Taiyo be the main character again haha

Yume created a topic of Age of arrogance

I just finished the novel and aside from Carlisle and Asha, Decker and Dorothea's romance is supeeeeer cute


Did the art somehow changed? I was reading chapter 7 then jumped to 50 to see if the latter chapters are good

Yume created a topic of Bread & Butter

Why'd it stop at a cliffhanger then it's gonna update after 6 months

Yume created a topic of Mission: Yozakura Family

It's really amazing how we've reached this far. Too beautiful of a manga