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packgoat's feed

packgoat created a topic of Last Love of Youth

why can't Eunseok just talk and explain his thoughts to Cheolmin? yes, Eunseok's feelings are valid, but Cheolmin is not a mind-reader for fuck's sake. every relationship you have in life—friends, co-workers, romantic partners, even your own family—exist because of communication!

Eunseok wants Cheolmin to open up when he won't do the same thing himself. my god!!!$#@&#

one thing realistic about this webtoon is how two ADULT MEN refuse to communicate properly, even when they're about to lose their loved one.

this webtoon better not drag the shit out this. I'd rather they fought over something else, like differences in career goals, work-life balance, who should win in Drag Race, literally ANYTHING else!