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Sunnyleah June 13, 2020 2:19 am

I feel that the incubus does deserve his freedom but at the same time he needs to start asking questions and gaining information like an adult. He says he wants to have freedom and not be protected yet he never matures in a way to show that he can make it on his own. He never stopped to ask why it’s dangerous and he never stopped to think about what he would do if he was in that situation. I am all for his freedom and I understand freedom is amazing but freedom can also be bad. I do feel like everyone should have tried giving him more freedom and teaching him but in a way they were probably scared to see him grow up. Despite him hating how they always protected him, he still let his naive habits stay with him which was the main reason they were protecting him. So at the end of the day not only is it his family’s fault (and the fallen angel), it’s also his.

    LemonPriest June 17, 2020 7:17 pm

    People learn by making mistakes, especially for someone as "determined" (stubborn) as ingyu.

    He needs experience more than anything. And i agree that they should have given him that while providing support and protection but still giving him a degree of independence.

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