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Miss.General July 19, 2021 11:45 pm

He really needs to get his life together. He has a child now, he should have been more cautious. It’s annoying. Also the fact that he fails to notice how childish he is being which is causing his husband (i forgot his name sorry) to become stressed. The poor husband is basically forced to care of two kids and he didn’t even want one of them in the first place. I hope to Wooyoung matures soon.

    bruhmoment July 20, 2021 12:51 am

    bruh he cant help that he fucking tripped

    Miss.General July 20, 2021 12:55 am
    bruh he cant help that he fucking tripped bruhmoment

    I understand that but other factors has also contributed to him annoying me. Like that fact that he’s acting like a child when he himself has a kid and his husband has to deal with the consequences of his behavior- you can see it taking a toll on his husband.

    Miss.General July 20, 2021 10:06 am

    Also the amount of people treating the characters in this manga as real life people is hilarious. No one gives a shit you’re mum dropped you as a child cuz I can tell trust me. But the fact that Wooyoung can’t see his husband stressing because of him and the baby is painful. Home boy couldn’t even last a day of taking care of the baby without his husband having to step in.

Miss.General July 18, 2021 1:27 pm

My toe has more IQ/EQ than this girl I swear

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