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Calyx created a topic of Aura of a Genius Actor

It freely explores a lot (Freddy Mercury's life? Ballet? That's so cool) and honestly I learned more about Jekyll and Hyde here than in my entire life lmao


I am so in love with ginga please I NEED him

Calyx created a topic of Irregulars

sorry to be a lil bitch but I was getting a little irritated by the translator's comments everywhere somebody pick this up and update please I NEED

It's like the super delusional scenario of getting to meet your oshi that can only happen in manga (also I want to save some panels but the constant moaning is a vibekiller) I love both characters already

Zero character development or spice for a plot that could've actually been interesting. I didn't expect a masterpiece, yes, but Sota really just was as inconsequential and one-dimensional of a rival as mc was in the og manga. Wild

Calyx created a topic of Guilty

Was wondering what's there in this manga to have 60 chapters but I get now. It's definitely pretty melodramatic, but if I were to respect each character for their own strengths and flaws, I'd say the author did a pretty good job. I like that they're multidimensional and it only keeps getting revealed over time - but they're really the worst bunch to forgive and bring a child into the mess. Rui did really get fucked over by everyone around her, but I still don't like that they forgave everything that happened to Yayoi and pinned Shun's struggle entirely as Kazuma's fault. It ends up feeling a bit like [they do smthn unforgivable] [is excused because more unforgivable things were done to them]. We don't want to normalize that. Work on yourself first.


You little shit. Girl get yo divorce bc that dude only ever married you for the children and family values. Get urself a man who respects you as a woman

Ok I'm delulu but I think it'd be pretty funny if the white haired devil guy was the ml lmao. There's something about their relationship idk?? he constantly wants her to think he's cute while she can't stand him even if he's right. I feel like he could just flirt through the quest notifs. if not this I hope it exists in another story

Calyx created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Yeowoon is such a cutie patootie I'd give up if I were you jigu

Calyx created a topic of Bluelock

Never hated kaiser even when he's being a shithead BUT MY POOK WHAT HAS THE WORLD DONE TO U

Calyx created a topic of Koibito ga Ubu Sugite Komaru

Don't worry, this translation is really good!! Please, if you're able to, keep updating! Thank you so much <3

Calyx created a topic of Acting Genius, TOP Idol!

Idk I feel like the Nexter guy is getting away w way too much rn like does he realize if he's being blamed for being toxic there's a higher chance he gets dropped instead of Nexter disbanding...

Calyx created a topic of Majo no Inu

NEED MORE? I'm enjoying this witchverse thing I'm unfamiliar with? And I really like the character dynamics, it's giving Mad Dog

Calyx created a topic of To deny the route

Dawg it's just tough that he can't enjoy a brotherly moment wtf

Calyx created a topic of Regas

This is so adorable I'm gonna cry I love somebody treating the prince right ABEL THE MAN THAT YOU ARE!!! I don't even care about romance atp I just want them both to be good and happy

I saw this on instagram and giggled they make me so happy




Chahyeon are you listening to sound whipped already...

The more I read the more I feel like she'd be happy just devoting all her energy and time to taking care of her children. Isn't she already in a difficult position as the consort? She also doesn't seem like she cares romantically for anybody pining after her. That changing better have a valid enough reason

> gets blackmailed by a student 12 years younger with a girlfriend
> falls in love with him (???)
> has a perfectly sensible crush his age he forgets
> this is a 30 year old man btw I've yet to see him have any real human worries
I didn't read the title when I tried reading but couldn't make it beyond a few chapters if the setting is trash at least make it more compelling idk