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Kyatto July 6, 2020 7:23 pm

I’m looking for a manga which one of my favourite artists made but I can’t find it.. I already went through all the artists I could remember but still, nothing.

Only thing I can remember is that it’s yuri. I think the girl goes to another world and meets a school full of monster like creatures. There are multiple yuri couples in the school, MC got it on with a cat-girl/fox-girl, there was also a couple with a snake teacher x another girl I can’t remember the species from and another one with a monster who had multiple lips or something and many more couples. Also, I think MC eventually found a way back to the normal world, but she sometimes visits the monster school too.

This all sounds pretty weird, lmao..
Might be a chance it’s also taken off from mangago. TT But if you can find it, I’ll be very thankful!

Kyatto July 5, 2020 4:24 am

I’m helping someone look for a manga but I just can’t find it! I would really appreciate it if you can help me out. Description by Pito:

idk the setting, but it was something like this one boy who was really popular got confessed to by this shy boy, so he played around with him and made him carry his stuff, go buy drinks and other things for him, and the shy boy got tired of being used so he pretended he had a boyfriend and showed the dude a pic of his friend, and the popular dude was jealous until he found out the truth and got mad and confronted the shy guy.
distinctly remember a scene where when popular dude confronted the shy guy, the shy guy was headed into his apartment, he looked up in confusion, and was slammed into the wall by the popular dude. and afterwards the popular dude is more nicer to the shy dude?

There was a scene where the popular boy was talking to the friend about the shy boy’s and friends ‘relationship’, but then the friend says something along the lines of “wait wait wait.. I’m not dating anyone”. The friend has glasses, black hair and a bowlcut (not sure about this one.

    badgalriri July 5, 2020 4:29 am

    i think i know this manga it is one shot i guess? it's by harada sensei i think the name is yojirushi(?) i don't wuite remember the spelling

    Kyatto July 5, 2020 4:32 am
    i think i know this manga it is one shot i guess? it's by harada sensei i think the name is yojirushi(?) i don't wuite remember the spelling badgalriri

    Yooo, omg! Thank you so much! I spend the last 2 days brainwrecking myself out!! It’s the one-shot called ‘arrow’. ^^

Kyatto July 3, 2020 7:21 am

Hello, I posted a topic not too long ago but I didn’t get much answers. I would like to know which manga’s made you feel a certain way and how it affected your life.

Thanks in advance!

    Kris145 July 3, 2020 12:56 pm

    Do you mean like a feeling of shock then this one, it has 1 chapter if you want to read it, know that it is pretty messed up

    Kyatto July 3, 2020 4:35 pm
    Do you mean like a feeling of shock then this one, it has 1 chapter if you want to read it, know that it is pretty messed up Kris145

    I was actually going to read that after finishing Gintama. Harada’s works are always good so I’m sure this one will be enjoyable to read. Thanks for recommendation!

    Kris145 July 3, 2020 10:53 pm

    Let me know if you was left in shock too

    Kyatto July 6, 2020 7:46 pm
    Let me know if you was left in shock too Kris145

    I heard Harada’s DJ’s were on a whole other level then their usual works, so I was already expecting it. I read it just now and I can tell you.. I’m feeling a bit sick. All these situations are pretty scary, especially with the muscle relaxant. It’s so cruel what he did to him though, it’s pure mind breaking. Going to try and cleanse my soul a bit with other manga’s.

    Kris145 July 7, 2020 3:15 pm
    I heard Harada’s DJ’s were on a whole other level then their usual works, so I was already expecting it. I read it just now and I can tell you.. I’m feeling a bit sick. All these situations are pretty sca... Kyatto

    HAHA yes it was really cruel

Kyatto June 28, 2020 8:32 am

I saw that Mo Dao Zu Shi also has been animated. Is it better to read it first or to watch the animation?

Thank you in advance.

    yumiko June 28, 2020 8:33 am

    read it first, some of it may not make sense, and it stopped being animated halfway

    Kyatto June 28, 2020 8:37 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! peerless cucumber

    BeSt FrIeNdS fOrEvEr!! Kiss your homies goodnight.

    Kyatto June 28, 2020 8:38 am
    read it first, some of it may not make sense, and it stopped being animated halfway yumiko

    Thanks the both of you, was already suspecting that the animation wouldn’t be good since chinese ones aren’t of the best quality sometimes.

    Zaki June 28, 2020 9:36 am

    Recommending the Chinese live Action as well - "The Untamed" ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Kyatto June 27, 2020 6:22 pm

I don’t think I can remember a lot but it’s about a adult who sneaked into a highschool to just become a student there. I think the teacher found out.. and I think it’s also BL.

I hope you guys can help me out.

    Kyatto June 27, 2020 6:54 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! ween

    OMG, I think this it! It just suddenly popped into my mind and now I’m so glad to have found it again!! Thank you ween.

    Kyatto June 27, 2020 6:54 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! sillycliche

    It’s a pretty good story.

Kyatto June 21, 2020 7:19 pm

I’ve been wanting to read some yuri for a while now. I’ve read some yuri stories before but now I don’t know which yuri manga to read.

I want a short story (10 chapters max) with also no age gap. It can be anything but I would prefer if you give me yuri manga’s with different genres if you’re going to recommend more then 1.

Thank you!

Kyatto June 16, 2020 4:34 pm

A long time ago I have read a manga about MC and a boy in his school/class who wore a face mask. It’s a BL and I think it was a one-shot or a short story.

MC thinks boy is wearing facemask to hide that his two upperteeth had been removed because it makes it easier to give BJ’s to men. In reality, I think MC asked boy about his teeth or something but then boy says that he has all his teeth still but then he’s like “Do you want to have a BJ too?” I’m not sure if he asked for money.. MC gets flustered after.

That’s all I can remember along with some stuff I’m not sure of, such as rumours between classmates that boy skipped school to earn money from BJ’s.

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