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bluelynch created a topic of Love Tractor

i was delaying reading this because there's no explicit sex scenes and I knew I would want to see it because they looked so cute
and everytime it was implicit they had sex i would freak out
but it's so good, I don't think I have read something so quickly before, I love this artist, I NEED more things from them, i might die if there's no more comics from them

bluelynch created a topic of Jungle Juice

save the dean, his classmates and the chad teacher guy (forgot his name) the rest can all rotten for all I care, NEST doesn't deserve these people

bluelynch created a topic of Misunderstanding

suddenly, I got 1000× more interested in this

bluelynch created a topic of Dark Fall

leon is so chill, is he like, trying to pretend he's not a prisoner till he thinks it's actually true?

bluelynch created a topic of Dark Fall

I have a sweet spot for beryl

bluelynch created a topic of Love in Orbit

sihwa's face when thinking what he'll do if he wants to see sohan everyday omg one day you get there sweetie, I trust your mental capacities

bluelynch created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door


i was searching for the novel to satiate my addiction to this bl (the only translation is terrible, unreadable) but someone went through it and said that jistar is the top, wich is kinda predictable, given he is as tall and wide as a double door but I'm kinda disappointed ngl, he gives off too much power bottom energy for his own good.
also also: apparently it doesn't have too much drama when neuta finds out and they get together more at the end, so is really slow burn.
in general, I'm really excited for this bl, i think it could be one of my favorites, just wish I found a good translation of the novel, but alas, i have to wait

that wasn't necessary AT ALL omg
like, this plot twist actually made the whole thing kinda worse looking back.
ngl is still kinda cute(?) and all but I'll just remove this information from my mind and let only the other 8 chapters

who are these two at the end? the tongue piercing guy and the other? is that the next project? i got so curious

bluelynch created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

the updater sona is really cute

I'm gonna be so honest one of the only stories that had misunderstanding trope that I actually liked and it was actually good was punch drunk love. those dorks were so bad at communicating but it was never frustrating or infuriating, it was really funny and made me excited for the next chapter to know how much more they could miscommunicate with each other.
the majority of this trope is like this, just to people refusing to communicate and making up scenarios that paint their "romantic interest" like, the worst person ever? thinking that this sweet little sunshine is walking all over your heart and cheating(?) on you after one photo and just assuming the absolute WORST from him is such a turn off. you want me to believe that they love each other and everything, but they don't have an inch of trust? they aren't even willing to hear the other out?

I'll not drop this 'cause i still think there's potential, since they "got together" so soon , so I'm expecting some sort of break up and reconcile when the seme can act like a mature adult idk. but I just needed to ramble about this

wow it's like reverse character development

kinda unrelated but the render/coloring in this is SO good, I can easily keep reading just to admire that

with this new cover art now every time it uploads I'm like "when tf did I read a dio×jojo dj and turned on the notifications?"

this was kinda cute. now I want a whole volume of them

oh no, here comes the angst T-T
i was feeling it coming
(but like, I don't blame dohu, to me "dating" someone only really begins when you ASK the person out)
but I really hope it gets resolved soon

bluelynch like topic of 1 to 10

that's definitely one way to end a season... i guess...
when I saw it I was kinda expecting to have a fight or break up, but it was this
it's not disappointing or bad per se, but it's kinda weird, kinda unusual idk

bluelynch created a topic of 1 to 10

that's definitely one way to end a season... i guess...
when I saw it I was kinda expecting to have a fight or break up, but it was this
it's not disappointing or bad per se, but it's kinda weird, kinda unusual idk

i knooww that it's gonna be angst when top finds out about the "inspiration" but like, I don't want that, can't he be just flattered that he's a muse? (ʘᴗʘ) (yes I'm suffering from advance)

bluelynch created a topic of Jinx

this grandma NEVER DIES oh my god (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻