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Markssan created a topic of Individualistic Love

New chapters!!! Yeeeesss!!!

Markssan asked a question

Hi! I need your help, I forgot the name but it was a japonese yaoi manga. It's about a man who works in a company that's a farmaceutical company as well (?) and he's a secretary I guess. He's being bothered by his female colleagues (I'm sorry if I'm not acurrate ) so, that's why he takes his lunch in rooftop and see a little white snake. Each time he has breaks He goes and gives it small bites of fruits harvested by his family. The snake takr a liking to him a makes him his wife. The snake It's a god I guess and he created the company just to find a wife.

I hope it doesn't bother you to read all I wrote haha. Thanks for the help

I found this manga on Spanish with 13 chapters!!! ╥﹏╥ I need a update please, I'm poor to buy it legally ( ̄へ ̄)

Hahahahaha "hey you, are you haring more servants??" " hahahahahaaha that was amazing haha I'm dying haha

Markssan created a topic of Ima, Koi wo Shite Imasu

Wait... what?? Is it already end? I feel like it was fast ╥﹏╥ I wanted to see the first time of the main Couple, and her' friend just got lost as the story went on, I wanted to see more of her.

OMG!!! They're back!! I missed them so much!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Markssan created a topic of Underworld Restaurant

I thought it was season 2 ╥﹏╥

Markssan created a topic of Oh! Dangun

I love his family! Hahahaha I want to see them more haha

Markssan created a topic of The Emperor's Shaman

I know she's scared and she's only there for work. She's not used to being treated well, but man, at least have some self-respect, tell him what's going on with you, don't keep everything to yourself as if the problems will solve themselves. The emperor too, he's useless. Why does he have a great position if he can do nothing? He's there lamenting waiting for the protagonist to fix all his problems.

Markssan created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

To be honest I'm not reading any of the dialogues anymore, I'm just skimming over the pages to understand more or less how things are going. I don't know why I'm still here haha, I'm sorry but I don't feel attached to the story. Bye bye~~.

By the way, I feel sorry for the second male lead, another soldier who falls without any chance ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Markssan created a topic of AMON: Unrelatable

(/TДT)/ I wish them happiness for both even if they stay together or not

Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! KKKIIIISSSSSS!!!!!

Markssan created a topic of Crash On Paradise

They're so cute! (≧∀≦)

Markssan created a topic of Manhattan Romance

I'll wait for chapter 62... ( ̄∇ ̄")

I just started to read the novel: Baam!!! Surprise!!! Shocked by their faces (≧∀≦) hahaha