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Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

I've always had the impression that DJ doesn't love TS deeply. Don't get me wrong he does love him and like him and cares about him but it's not as deep and passionate as TS loves him. I cannot really blame him for that as he was somehow pressured into getting imwith him. Out of gratitude & admiration he accepted to give TS a chance. His affection towars him evolved a lot durIng season 2 and it's slowly leading him to deep and pure love but he's still not there yet.

His comment regarding that jerk of fake friend who mocked him makes it even clear. He said he cannot even resent him and although he wanted to cut him off anyways, he finds himself feeling empty and confused!

Seriously, his attitude is driving me crazy! It's like he really couldn't get over that stupid crush and TS doesn't come first in this whole situation. Just what the hell is wrong with him? The truth about that jerk was revealed and he still doesn't get his s. hit together. If I was his boyfriend I would be so mad and so disappointed tbh :///