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Lam.b like the answer
I farm insects in our attic. I have like a thousand ants at least, now I’m trying to breed more flies. They will never know.
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Lam.b followed question about go mad or crazy

AS OF JANUARY 25TH evidence: look at their bio + + + + eviden......

26 01,2024
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Because we all love this trope 
(BL only) 

Each page has my top 10 recs for these categories:
Pg 1 ➼ lighthearted
Pg 2 ➼ dark/heavy
Pg 3 ➼ sexual tension
Pg 4 ➼ slow burn
Pg 5 and beyond ➼ mix of stories
(will periodically shuffle order as I add more ◈ last re-organized 10/07/2023)

**The more extreme/explosive relationships tagged hate to love**

05 01,2024

Genuinely love the fl, I understand her intentions and like that while she is strong she isn't a genius or a god. She is exploring what she wants. The story does feel like it's slowing down a bit, the firat few chapters were at a good pace but afterwards it slowed down quite a bit. Regardless, this manga is still a solid 9/10 for me! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Lam.b created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

WHYYYY NOOO this is so sad so devastating but omf ╥__╥ I am devastated.
The plot of this story works so well and the character development we have seen up until this point really makes this scene all the more impactful...
(ch 163)

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=also mother
= she also has brothers
= she (or her father) has magic
= from an abusive household to a caring one-TW: for abuse the first couple chapters
= wholesome father daughter moments 
= annoying/dumb main character 
= bad art style/translations 
= personal favorite of mine!

 Check out the hidden gems on the later pages! Newer releases are there. 


12 11,2023
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Lam.b asked a question

Hii!! any manga recs that are historical fiction where the woman gave birth to mls kid and ran off?

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I didn't think this list would have so much followers. Thank you. For those who are asking if this list is active, yes its active. I'm just really picky.

What you'll basically see here:

Heroic Protagonist.
Trash Protagonist turned good.
Plain trash protagonist you can't help but like.
Villainous protagonist.
Cheat-like protagonist.

I'm biased with everything placed here since I read it all. I hope you like them too.

Credit to the original source.

31 10,2023
Lam.b created a topic of Can We Become a Family?
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