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applepi created a topic of Man's Best Boyfriend

Bring back golden retriever Benjamin

applepi created a topic of Salty Lust
applepi created a topic of Yours to Claim

I just want Cain to be happy forget abt everyone else

applepi created a topic of Jinx
applepi created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Who would've thought this was the same person to create My Purrfect Boss, like

applepi created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Why couldn't they just walk away bro

applepi created a topic of Codename Anastasia

I read too fast bro i didn't even notice I was at the "to be continue..." already

applepi created a topic of Double Trap
applepi created a topic of Salty Lust

Scarf/handkerchief owen is my favorite he's so cute

applepi created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One

I need Vericion GONE bro pls confront him idk

applepi created a topic of Jinx

Omg I want to see more of potato and heesung now AHHHHH I love secondary couples

applepi created a topic of Limited Run

History repeats itself, except this time it was for a good reason BEAT HIM UPPP