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Moments that got me shook by handsomeness, slickness or SEXINESS lmao
2020-09-03 05:12 marked

I am 33 next week and my advise is a little different to some of the others here. The fact is that most of what is going to happen to you in life is down to luck. You being in the right place at the right time is more important than anything else and you have no controle over it. I say that while still in school, do anything you want, don't feel li......

2017-10-11 02:23 marked
Hello people how y'all doing ?
So I'm kinda sick rn and to cheer me up a bit I'm looking for some cute, sweet, cozy, lovey-dovey (and with good art if possible) yaoi to read so if you could recommand me some I'll be really glad !
Thanxx(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2016-05-31 04:29 marked

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