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yemu followed a list

they met in a game. they met outside the game. they fell in wuv

this list is meant to gather all the bl titles with this premise. quality not guaranteed. please please let me know if you know any other titles that fit this premise. feel free to hit the recommend button if you like the list <3

1-5 are my personal faves, rest are random order

17 04,2024
yemu asked a question

Can anyone share some romance recs where the main characters meet from a game? (Like guildmate next door, netkama punch, my love story with yamada-kun at lvl999)
i don’t mind if it’s bl, gl, or straight

yemu asked a question

I’m pretty sure it was a BL, but i might be wrong. One of the main characters has a past where he was about to become an older brother, his mom was pregnant. He asks his aunt (or tutor?? I forgot) if his parents would focus on the baby instead of him from now on. I forgot exact what happened next but he got super sad and insecure and ran away from home and cried at the park. His parents were trying to find him and his mom saw him and immediately ran over to go get him but ended up getting run over by a car, and got a miscarriage. After that his family hated him and basically isolated him from the family i think.

sorry this is so vague i read this a long time ago and just remembered it now ;;