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myeonkj May 19, 2024 5:31 am

to the people saying shes a btch yall lowkey sound like those og mc/fl in the isekai manhwas who thinks everyone has to be nice to her and like her all because she's the "main character of the story" and if someone just simply disagrees then they deserve to die. likeeeeeee if any of yall were to ever be isekaid you would all be this self-centered. yall can't even handle celphi's bio mom whos the most recent character here who clearly has some complex shit going on with the lapileons. some of you don't bother thinking and digging deep as to why she's acting this way. yall are acting one dimensional and labelling her as this one dimensional btch when clearly shes as complex as it gets

if yall don't like "btches" why are you even reading this if you're not prepared to read characters who are morally grey in this manhwa which by the way has some complex family drama and underlying political drama?

myeonkj May 19, 2024 12:00 am

Why are yall calling celphis bio mom a btch? Calm down. Yes she was a bit rude this chapter but it was pereshati who continuously tries to seek her out when she clearly wants to be left alone for reasons we don't quite know yet. I'm not excusing her actions but just explaining because clearly there were things going on with her and celphi bio dad.

You guys also have to realise that she doesn't know about pereshatis immunity to the blood hence the constant warnings from her because she doesnt know the warnings are actually useless. BOTH of these women are kept in the dark by the lapileons to some extent about each others circumstance.

    estar May 19, 2024 12:26 am

    think u got it wrong, celphi's mother called the MC a b*tch. cause her man came for her, cause her man loves & cares for her & cause her man is still alive....

    BTW she is(!) a total b*tch)!!) as she came knowing the MC is in a loving relationship, Not cause she cares for her, or is was worried she will die. heck she doesn't give a sh*t about her own son & u still think it's unjustified to call her what she is?!? ok \(〇_o)/

    naruhodon't May 19, 2024 3:08 am
    think u got it wrong, celphi's mother called the MC a b*tch. cause her man came for her, cause her man loves & cares for her & cause her man is still alive.... BTW she is(!) a total b*tch)!!) as she cam... estar


    myeonkj May 19, 2024 5:11 am
    think u got it wrong, celphi's mother called the MC a b*tch. cause her man came for her, cause her man loves & cares for her & cause her man is still alive.... BTW she is(!) a total b*tch)!!) as she cam... estar

    No YOU got it wrong. She was not projecting her relationship with her husband to pereshati and theo's. It's clear to see she doesnt want anything to do with the lapileons anymore and unfortunately that includes celphi. Also where was it where she called her a btch? Nowhere. Look I'm not trying to defend her actions and also her decisions as the bio mom to her child but to call her a btch bc she responded to pereshati in a manner that clearly is a result of trauma is ummmmm a bit much and frankly narrow minded. She's still a mysterious character bc not much is known about her yet. The real jealous character wouldve been the princess. The mom and the princess are NOT on the same level. The mom isn't even plotting anything and just wanted to be left alone.

    As a reader to make the conclusion that shes a btch from the limited interaction we have seen is just being pretentious. And it's also shallow because yall aren't willing to look deep into the story and character just because they don't get along right away

    estar May 19, 2024 8:26 am
    No YOU got it wrong. She was not projecting her relationship with her husband to pereshati and theo's. It's clear to see she doesnt want anything to do with the lapileons anymore and unfortunately that includes... myeonkj

    the way u r vehemently defending a character u have seen in what, maybe 2 chapters?!? u for sure r defending her (in-spite of not having the full picture, my comment came from at lest knowing more about the mains) still it's ur prerogative - to each their own.

    but i aint wrong - she is the one that cursed the MC, not the other way around. also if ur going by the last panels the one looking back is the ML - but ur conclusion is that the MC in the ML's embrace, called his sister-in-law a b*tch?!? really??? even the ML saying it doesn't go with his personality, sorry no logic in that conclusion IMHO.

    about the rest i stand by my conclusions regarding Celphi's mother. her motivation isn't out of concern cause u know if she was a real bleedin heart(!) she would worry about her on freakin son - but whatever... u think what u want this is my POV...

myeonkj's questions ( All 2 )

myeonkj June 6, 2021 8:10 pm

I forgot the title oops. I'm looking for a smut japanese manga where the *FL has short pink hair* and the *ML has black hair*. They're friends with benefits who just have casual sex. The manga feels kinda like a slice of life bc there's nothing deep in the plot just seggs

myeonkj June 6, 2021 12:43 pm

So I'm looking for this smut japanese manga that's more slice of life. The fl has short pink hair and ml has black hair. They have a friends with benefits relationship and they just have a lot of casual sex which explains the slice of life part. The only other thing I remember is that the manga has like 2 versions? Like an official one and a doujin I believe. Thank you!

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