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秋と冬 June 6, 2020 4:22 pm

I'm sorry but this side story made me dislike MD even more. Not only did the author abruptly decide to end things there without a proper apology from MD, the last chapter literally shows how immature and manipulative MD is. We see that MD literally wrote in the contract HIMSELF that they are free to date outside of their (BUSINESS) relationship. So when Chanwoo wants to do exactly that, MD gets annoyed...? All because Chanwoo won't return his feelings? Yikes... a dom that can't even follow his own contract is literally the epitome of a shitty BDSM relationship.

    Sugakookie June 6, 2020 4:17 pm

    Preach! You spoke my mind.
    MD was my favorite but this arc really ruined his image for me.

    Magnolia June 6, 2020 4:18 pm

    Soleil Sierra June 6, 2020 4:21 pm

    Ikr and here am I looking for comments like this but all I see is about them wanting MD to be shirtless blah blah blah

    秋と冬 June 6, 2020 4:21 pm
    Preach! You spoke my mind. MD was my favorite but this arc really ruined his image for me. Sugakookie

    Same! I really enjoyed the little side stories we got when the focus was on Alex and Dong-gyun because I thought I'd get to see a good BDSM relationship for once but... yeah this arc was a big no no.

    CheyEileen June 6, 2020 4:23 pm

    The reason Md got annoyed with Chanwoo dating is because chanwoos ex was abusive. Did you not read the first two chapters? Chanwoo in the last chapter stated that he liked md but was afraid that if they began to date and something went wrong they wouldn’t be able to see each other again. For that reason he said no. I’m not sure if you just skimmed over some of the dialogue, but i think you should go ahead and reread some chapters. You are free to dislike Md, i really don’t care about that, but you missed a lot of important details.

    keichikun June 6, 2020 4:24 pm
    The reason Md got annoyed with Chanwoo dating is because chanwoos ex was abusive. Did you not read the first two chapters? Chanwoo in the last chapter stated that he liked md but was afraid that if they began t... CheyEileen


    Moonlight-uh June 6, 2020 4:24 pm

    finally, someone with sense here

    秋と冬 June 6, 2020 4:32 pm
    The reason Md got annoyed with Chanwoo dating is because chanwoos ex was abusive. Did you not read the first two chapters? Chanwoo in the last chapter stated that he liked md but was afraid that if they began t... CheyEileen

    Doesn't that make MD even worse then? MD doesn't like that Chanwoo gets into abusive relationships. Yeah, that should be a given for anyone who wants to start a healthy relationship. So when he and Chanwoo see the former sub and how he was using Chanwoo, MD plays into it? Chanwoo was not ready in starting a relationship with MD. MD KNEW that and yet he decides to make Chanwoo feel uncomfortable by having him play with the former sub? I think you need to reread these chapters and look a little deeper into it because I don't think we were reading the same story.

    秋と冬 June 6, 2020 4:37 pm
    The reason Md got annoyed with Chanwoo dating is because chanwoos ex was abusive. Did you not read the first two chapters? Chanwoo in the last chapter stated that he liked md but was afraid that if they began t... CheyEileen

    Also, MD literally had no point in doing that whole play thing with the former sub except to make Chanwoo feel uncomfortable and "break" him into saying the safe word. So how does that make MD better than Chanwoo's exes? If Chanwoo was not ready to go into a relationship with MD, MD has no right to get triggered at the fact that Chanwoo started having feelings for someone else.

    秋と冬 June 6, 2020 4:44 pm
    exactly keichikun

    It only solidifies MD's immaturity... lol

    秋と冬 June 6, 2020 4:50 pm
    Ikr and here am I looking for comments like this but all I see is about them wanting MD to be shirtless blah blah blah Soleil Sierra

    Honestly... like that's fine and dandy but let's not gloss over the fact that the author depicted a terrible example of what a healthy BDSM should be like.

    Sugakookie June 6, 2020 4:50 pm
    Also, MD literally had no point in doing that whole play thing with the former sub except to make Chanwoo feel uncomfortable and "break" him into saying the safe word. So how does that make MD better than Chanw... 秋と冬

    EXACTLY. Istg this was such a let down on multiple levels. If MD stood up for Chanwoo when dat other piece of shit literally explained infront of MD himself how disgustingly he used Chanwoo's feelings, things could've been so much better for both of them.

    Chanwoo is the type of dude who cares for others but is oblivious about his own good. Hence he was so protective about DG. As someone who frequently dealt with abuse, he just didn’t want to ruin the partnership he had with MD. Cause he can't trust him enough.
    He just wasn't ready.

    Now imagine being him, the dude he was interested in him turned out to be a scum that's after his fuckbuddy. And the said fuckbuddy who claimed to have feelings for him threatened to leave if he doesn’t listen to what was proposed - literally took advantage of his vulnerability.

    MD just became as much of a scumbag as Chanwoos previous partners. And fyi, who the fuck deliberately wants to force their sub to say the safe word?

    As BDSM enthusiast, I can attest to the fact that aint how a dom is supposed to act. It’s about trust, a sub literally gives up theirautonomy to you. You have to be responsible.

    That threesome stunt that MD pulled was so -
    "None of this would've happened if you accepted my confession" my foot.

    JJJ June 6, 2020 4:52 pm

    I think DM grows feelings for Chanwoo later on despite the contract that’s why. You can tell by some of the last panels that he says when Chanwoo signs the contract he didnt expect them to end up dating, so it’s clearly that DM only see Chanwoo as sex partners when he first form the contract, BUT later on developed special feelings for him ( especially after seeing Chanwoo gets abused by his ex), no wonder he gets upset. Why hating on him?

    秋と冬 June 6, 2020 4:55 pm
    EXACTLY. Istg this was such a let down on multiple levels. If MD stood up for Chanwoo when dat other piece of shit literally explained infront of MD himself how disgustingly he used Chanwoo's feelings, things c... Sugakookie

    YES. OMG THANK YOU. I couldn't have said it better.

    秋と冬 June 6, 2020 5:00 pm
    I think DM grows feelings for Chanwoo later on despite the contract that’s why. You can tell by some of the last panels that he says when Chanwoo signs the contract he didnt expect them to end up dating, so i... JJJ

    Obviously I know that and theres nothing wrong with that. The point is that when MD starts to like Chanwoo and Chanwoo responds by saying he doesn't feel ready to be in a relationship with MD, MD should have respected Chanwoo's feelings and NOT respond the way he did at the restaurant. MD saw that Chanwoo was feeling something for someone else and he should have respected that because they literally have a contract that allows Chanwoo to do so.

    CheyEileen June 6, 2020 5:25 pm
    Also, MD literally had no point in doing that whole play thing with the former sub except to make Chanwoo feel uncomfortable and "break" him into saying the safe word. So how does that make MD better than Chanw... 秋と冬

    That whole play thing was very immature and your right he should have apologized, that was so unnecessary. But you can confuse concern with annoyed.

    CheyEileen June 6, 2020 5:26 pm
    That whole play thing was very immature and your right he should have apologized, that was so unnecessary. But you can confuse concern with annoyed. CheyEileen


    秋と冬 June 6, 2020 6:04 pm
    can’t* CheyEileen

    I know that MD was concerned with Chanwoo's past relationships, and that's good. But he was definitely annoyed that Chanwoo did not agree to go out with him. I get that it was out of concern, but you can't deny that the way MD reacted to Chanwoo liking the former sub was stemmed due to his annoyance that Chanwoo didn't want to be in a relationship with him. If MD was truly concerned, he should have ended the conversation with the former sub at the restaurant. NOT take advantage of Chanwoo's vulnerability. MD's reaction was purely out of pettiness which stemmed from his annoyance that Chanwoo "didn't get his feelings".

秋と冬 June 5, 2020 4:43 pm

No redemption for MD Disappointed in this side story...

    Jen June 5, 2020 4:48 pm

    Pretty sure there was it’s just not on here yet

    秋と冬 June 5, 2020 5:33 pm
    Pretty sure there was it’s just not on here yet Jen

    I read the newest chapter and its apparently the last chapter for this side story. And I don't want to spoil it in case you didn't read it but the way it ends is very unsatisfying.

    Jen June 6, 2020 4:00 am
    I read the newest chapter and its apparently the last chapter for this side story. And I don't want to spoil it in case you didn't read it but the way it ends is very unsatisfying. 秋と冬

    Oh! I just now read it, and I’d understand by unsatisfying but thank you for not spoiling

    秋と冬 June 6, 2020 4:22 am
    Oh! I just now read it, and I’d understand by unsatisfying but thank you for not spoiling Jen

    No problem!

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