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no one created a topic of Kill the Lights

i was actually hoping he would go back to his real body, i really wanted a buff uke huhuhuhu

but i like the story, the plot is the same from the end if the road, i'd give it an 8/10

no one created a topic of Betting on You

thank goodness it has a great ending and its a great story too, im so tired of toxic stories

thank you uploaderr, i really enjoyed reading your credit messages (??) 10/10 story

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The highly anticipated BL list for Isekai to help fulfill your yaoi needs and wants!!! 

*NOTE: This list will be updated as more BL Isekai stories are found (take note that many are ongoing/incomplete).

06 03,2024
no one created a topic of Ghost of Paradise

honestly it's a crime for it to be this short. i enjoyed the plot?? im not sure myself, guess im reading the other 4 stories

no one created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

Omayghad this finally got updated again started reading this during pandemic and now its back

no one created a topic of One-punch Man

I swear every time i read the new updates, it just keep getting shorter, it used to be 10 swipes up now its just 3 swipes :((

no one created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

can't wait for the next seasonn, this just hits the right spot in my brain(≧∀≦)

no one created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

does anyone know where I can read the novel? can't handle the cliffhangers anymore

no one created a topic of Iyayoiyayo mo kiss no uchi

enjoyed the second story than the main one, i need more of sei-nii and kazu ackk

no one created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

omayghad the thrill that i was looking for is heree

the art style is amazing, the plot is a 7/10, but overall its a good read, it got my toes curled up

and i think some of you need to separate fiction and reality

no one created a topic of Kimi no yoru ni fureru

holyh shtt this is surprisingly wholesome? and the art!? 10/10 story and art

its been a while since i've read stories with good writing, will surely come back in the future

no one created a topic of Boy meets Girl

found the story weird at first, especially found the seme creepy but as i continue reading i started to understand him huhuhu reading this is a RIDE

seme's parent should be in jail, what kind of parent would do surgery to their child because they were masturbating

no one followed a list


Hybrid - half human, half animal
Beast - twice or thrice the human size
Monster - fantasy, myth (vamp, demon, god, zombie, etc.)

Note: some are Supernatural/Scifi - robot, alien, use of magic, etc.

!! Hybrid/Beast/Monster (2) !!
!! Omegaverse !!
!! Hybrid/Beast/Monster Shounen Ai !!

15 12,2023
no one created a topic of Love Plan

i wanted to see their wedding huhuhu moree moree

no one created a topic of The Man Next Door

the art style is somewhat familiar, felt like read other stories from the same author, idk

you'll only regret something when you lose it hayst

no one created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

the suspense is bothering me so much, ghad

no one created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

when will the angst happen, im always on edge with how hee-seo's acting lately ghad

no one created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

whenever i feel bad for hee-seo even just a little, i always go back to the first chapter to remind myself he's a psycho