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I'm in the same boat as alot of you. Where I find Verite and Blanche to be a very cute thing. But then I start to think of how old is he really. And it also seems that my guess was right where he is the lost fairy prince( there are spoilers a few comments down). I don't know what the aging system is with fairies. Maybe I over thinking this. Its a fantasy genre so it is what it is.

Is the MC friend in the mirror the Fairy Prince that disappeared? It seems like they are hinting at that.

Also I feel like a lot of you guys are so used to generic and toxic ass stories. That when you read stories that have two people that are dealing with trauma and self esteem issues you feel like a relationship and the two (being lovey dovey)fuckin the problem away is the solution. Let the author tell their story. And let the main characters Find there way to each other. Obviously ML is working through his issues at a quicker rate than she is but let the damn story cook as well as the characters. Lastly it goes without saying but if you are so agitated and unhappy with the pace and the direction the story is going drop it and don't read. You are just wasting your time. I get that everyone is allowed to state their opinions on here but when you see the same thing being said with each chapter that is released it gets annoying and Repetitive.

Isn't it a common occurrence with people that are highly intelligent or just focus on studying and spending all their time and energy into there academics to lack common sense as well as communication skills. also be a bit socially Awkward. I can only speak for myself to say I have run across people like that. Obviously I am well aware that at times that can be because they fall somewhere on the Autism spectrum. I feel like that is the whole deal with this FL she might be highly intelligent but she is lacking in common sense and communication skills. To be fare she seems to want to work on it though.

tah created a topic of Daisy(Lisabel)

Yo that duke is up to something! I even think he knows what that evil thing is up to. he is glancing at her!! I wouldn't put it pass that he been Laying up in bed and faking his illness a bit. For all we know he wasn't Unconscious at all! It could be all a damn test. While all his action have been crummy it had to be for a reason.