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How does an author write so well?!!?!! I started this thinking I might drop it (I have no hope these days for good mangas a lot are crazy toxic) but I haven’t stopped reading it since I started(yesterday

How does this author never miss their stories are always so beautiful written and drawn I need like ten more of their books (once they’re in good health

How does one get a man like this????asking for a friend

A field n*gga created a topic of 1 to 10

I’m thinking of taking this out my reading list because I need all of this to be out not just some chapters like I screamed when I scrolled and saw to be continued

A field n*gga created a topic of Dead or alive

I’m gonna need this author to take his/her/they (whatever pronoun) good break and give us another book because this was too good (anyone know their details????)