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eira created a topic of Kurayami Ni Strobe


eira created a topic of Hatsukoi no Kaeru Shima
eira created a topic of Himekoi (MITSUYA Bond)

wow how could you give us the dads' backstory; i was doing fine and now i'm saddd _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

eira created a topic of summer season

pacing's a but weird lol still, cute ending.

eira created a topic of Jinx

i feel like fucking shit too ngl

eira created a topic of Jinx
eira created a topic of Jinx

im going back after 2 months probably cos i like the hurt-comfort, but when the comfort chs arent here yet, it's like torture

eira created a topic of Snow Fairy

i love this author's art and stories fr!!

eira created a topic of Semantic Error

it's 4 am right now, and i have to wake up at 8. totally worth it :)

eira created a topic of Abiru Junjou

we need a guy for ishihara asap

eira created a topic of Miwaku Shikake - Amai Wana

hmm resolution went by too quick. like there literally was 5 seconds for character development then all of a sudden he was okay with dropping all his other fuck buddies. would've been better if the chardev went on for longer.

eira created a topic of Jinx

crying screaming sobbing but how i love the pain lmao

eira created a topic of Color Recipe

i was starting to like him again when he was being all sad and regretful but then no, i was so wrong and felt tricked lmao. that was.. interesting.

eira created a topic of Jinx

help i think i'm the only one rooting for both of them t-t cause it feels like it's the same plot w bj alex where we get to see character dev,, obv i wouldn't root for them irl, but in fiction, i like it when the ass seme becomes soft once he realizes he ✧ loves ✧ him (again totally unrealistic irl) but yeah.

eira created a topic of You lied to me

ngl their moms are to blame,, now they're all emotionally unstable

eira created a topic of Ikigami to Donor
eira created a topic of End Game

stoppp cos i hated kuroda but once u show a backstory, my heart was clenching for him, and now i'm sad

eira created a topic of 500-nen No Itonami

i cried my eyes out, but i'm glad i came across this manga.