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4ki created a topic of An egocentric way of thinking

I'm so glad the comments are about proportions LOL. I am not an artist or anything but it really distracts me Even I can tell that smth is not right

4ki created a topic of Backlight

I really hope he isn't 2nd ml cause he knew mc when he was kid. I would prefer him if he wasn't so old

4ki created a topic of Homeless/No Home

Why does pops always forget that he is the weaker one now I feel second hand embarrassment

4ki created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Not nephew being the cupid kekeke

4ki created a topic of Gig of the Day

The secretary is my spirit animal

4ki created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

They are so happy...a little too happy. And now it's the end of season... how nice

4ki created a topic of The Infinite Mage

We got the impression that MC was alone all his childhood, but there are many friends who actually care about him. It warms my heart.

What a rookie mistake... NEVER LEAVE THE TAP OPEN!!!

4ki created a topic of Into The Thrill

Has anyone read the novel? I want the spoils to know if it's worth to keep reading

4ki created a topic of Nothing but a number

How is the situation just getting worse and worse

4ki created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance
4ki created a topic of Dark Fall

Will we ever see cliff again

4ki created a topic of Frenzy Train

This story made me so stressed and angry. Fuck them all. Why did I read it???

4ki created a topic of Midnight Dweller

Ugh brother... What is thattt